Our services are for you. We need your help to make sure they do what you need them to do.

Join our research group to tell us what you think of:

  • SEND services
  • the Local Offer website

We will use what you say to make improvements.

Who can join?

We would like to hear from:

  • Young people with SEND (ages 16 - 25)
  • Parents/ carers of children who have SEND (it doesn't matter if they have a diagnosis or not)

How does it work?

We will email you either:

  • a link asking you to complete a survey (we use Smart Survey)
  • a link asking you to complete a task (we use online products Optimal Workshop and Loop11)
  • an invitation to do a phone interview
  • an invitation to attend a face to face session.

The tasks are never a test of your abilities - they just help us to make our services better.

You don't have to be involved in every activity - you can do as little or as much as you want to.

Feedback group privacy policy