We’re proposing to make changes to the school admission arrangements for the school year 2022-23.
This consultation is now closed.
Consultation start date: 26 October 2020
Consultation closing date: 6 December 2020
The county council proposes the following changes to its admission arrangements for 2022-23:
The following arrangements have not been amended but are provided for information:
Please ensure that your response is received by 6 December 2020. As required by the School Admissions Code (December 2014), the county council will also be consulting the governing bodies of all community and voluntary controlled schools where the school’s published admission number (PAN) is proposed to remain the same or increase.
The following information is about consultations where Hertfordshire County Council is not the admitting authority. Any feedback should be provided direct to the school or local authority, as indicated.
Proposed admission arrangements for voluntary aided, foundation schools and academies for 2022/23
Take a look at the proposed admission arrangements for 2022/23 for academies, voluntary aided and foundation schools.
Contact the schools direct if you would like to make comments or respond to these proposed arrangements. Your responses will be taken into account by the school when determining their arrangements.
Schools and academies without proposed arrangements for 2022/23 will continue to use the same arrangements as determined for 2021/22. Whilst these schools are not proposing any changes that require a consultation, schools may increase their published admissions number (PAN) without consultation.
Check the school directory for information about a schools PAN for 2021/22.
The following local authorities have advised us of their intention to consult on their admission arrangements for 2022/23:
The following schools in neighbouring local authorities have advised us of their intention to consult:
This is not a definitive list of schools that are consulting.
Contact the relevant admitting authority directly for further information.