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Hertfordshire County Council


Free 24-hour support



Other signposting websites

Professionals - signposting information 

Including referral pathways, training, resources, campaigns and funding opportunities.

Children and young people - mental health
Just Talk

Lots of resources to help children and young people understand their emotions and boost their wellbeing, as well as signposting to other local services.

Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities
Hertfordshire Gypsy and Traveller Service

Including services that can help you with education, health, accommodation, employment and reporting racism.

Asylum seekers and refugees

If you are aged 16 or over and experiencing challenges that are affecting your mental health, Flourish can provide mental wellbeing support, advice or referrals on to other services.

Adults - mental health
Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care System

Whether you are looking for self-help resources to boost your mental health, need a listening ear or emotional support, or you are in crisis and need urgent help, find the service you need.


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