Term dates Financial helpFree school mealsPlus music lesson, train and bus discounts.Grants, scholarships and funds We don't provide school uniform grants. Speak to your child's school to see if they can help. School contact details. Absence and exclusionsPenalty notices for unauthorised absenceExclusion review panels Extra support and tutoring at schoolCounselling, therapy and mentoringSupport for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) Bullying Contact your school directly if you're concerned that your child is being bullied. Services for Young People Hertfordshire also offer bullying support. Music lessons Hertfordshire Music Service run music lessons and groups at participating schools, local music centres and online. Contact your school directly to find out if they offer music lessons. Find out if you're eligible for discounts on school music lessons. Emergency school closures Each school's headteacher and chair of governors decide whether to close the school in bad weather conditions, like snow or heatwaves.Contact your school direct to see if they're open. Find your school's contact details. School governance, planning and performanceSchool governorsSchool planningHow we use pupil dataCompare schools' performance and Ofsted ratings Jobs in schoolsFind a teaching job in Hertfordshire Jobs with Hertfordshire Catering Limited Exam certificates and leaving schoolLeaving schoolHow to get a replacement exam certificateYou'll need to contact your school or exam board - GOV.UK explains how. Educating your child at home