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Hertfordshire County Council

Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children Board logo   HSAB logo


Training opportunities

Our training follows on the level 1 awareness sessions provided by agencies to their staff.

Our programme includes full day and lite bite sessions. 

All learning events are run by knowledgeable trainers and experts in the field so you can be sure that the content will be interesting, stimulating and reflect safeguarding best practice in Hertfordshire.


  • There is a charge for all delegates from agencies that do not contribute to the HSCP or HSAB budget, including schools, district and borough councils, out of county providers and profit making private and independent organisations.
  • The charge for a full-day course is £75.00 per person
  • The charge for a half-day course is £50.00 per person
  • The charge for a Lite Bite session is £30 per person
  • Courses are free of charge to HSCP / HSAB contributory member agencies and the voluntary sector.

Cancellation Charges

Cancellation Charges apply to everyone including those who fall into the free of charge payment category. Charges are as follows:

  • £75 per person per full-day course
  • £50 per person per half-day course
  • £30 per person per Lite Bite session

Cancellation charges apply if delegates fail to attend on the day or fail to cancel in writing at least 14 days in advance of the course.

Learning Hubs

The Partnership runs a Learning Hub which aims to improve local safeguarding practice for both children and vulnerable adults.

The Learning Hub is a feedback loop between front line practitioners and the Strategic Partnership, ensuring learning on priority local issues is shared and acted on at all levels in a timely way. The Hub will identify three themes each year.

Prevent and wrap training

Follow your organisational requirements. In addition, our resources below may be useful for you.

  • ACT Early – guidance and support for the loved ones of those who may be vulnerable to radicalisation and extremism
  • National campaign ‘ACT’
  • Statutory Guidance – Prevent Duty

Prevent programme

Prevent is part of the Government's CONTEST Strategy which aims to safeguard people from being drawn into or supporting terrorism.

The Prevent Strategy aims to:

  • Respond to the ideological challenge we face from terrorism and extremism, and the threat from those who promote these views.
  • Provide practical help to prevent individuals from being drawn into terrorism and ensure they are given appropriate advice and support.
  • Work with a wide range of organisations (including education, criminal justice, faith, charities, online and health) where there are risks of radicalisation.

Further information on Prevent can be found at

You can report radicalisation concerns to or on 01438 735373 (office hours only)

Information can be submitted anonymously via the Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789321

If you require an immediate response from the Police - dial 999.

Presentations and exercises

Other training




Learning Bulletins

Conferences and forums


HSAB/HSCP Housing Conference 2023 

Annual Conference 2022

  • Fire Deaths (PPTX 2.65MB) Opens a new window
  • Supporting Decision Making Using The MCA (PPTX 925KB) Opens a new window
  • MCA Hertfordshire Conference October 2022 (PDF 2.29MB) Opens a new window
  • Herts Constabulary - Cuckooing Presentation (PPTX 17.2MB) Opens a new window
  • Domestic Abuse HSAB Conference (PPTX 196 KB) Opens a new window
  • Working with Complexity - Findings from Safeguarding Adult Reviews (PPTX 158 KB) Opens a new window

Housing Conference 2019

Annual Conference 2019


Opening a new wTravellers Forum December 2018

HSAB posters and leaflets

HSAB 7 Minute Briefings

HSCP posters, leaflets and videos

Say something if you see something (sexual exploitation):

Safe sleeping:

Recognise, respond, refer (how to spot and report abuse):

Early Years, Childcare Providers and other Professionals

Key Workers/Family First Assessments

Child Protection Conferences

Leaflets from other services

Partnership websites

Visit them for their strategies and newsletters:

  • Sunflower – Hertfordshire Domestic Abuse Strategy 2022-25
  • Hertfordshire Modern Slavery Partnership
  • Suicide Prevention Network
  • Herts Against Hate
  • Families First news
  • Herts SARC (Sexual Abuse Referral Centre) -  offers free support and practical help to anyone in Hertfordshire who has ​experienced sexual violence and/or sexual abuse

  • HALO is the Police response to tackling child sexual exploitation (CSE) and is committed to implementing a CSE prevent strategy to ensure a shared approach in tackling the problem.

  • Beacon is Hertfordshire’s Victim Care Centre and is staffed by professionals from both Hertfordshire Constabulary and Catch 22, an independent organisation commissioned to support victims of crime in Hertfordshire. At Beacon, our primary focus is to help you cope and recover from your ordeal. Our team of dedicated and trained professionals will support you every step of the way

  • Trauma Recovery CIC is a not for profit making service which combines the skills and experience of three experts within the community of dealing with sexual, domestic and relational trauma and the long term effects that those experiences bring. It is a multidisciplinary trauma service providing a safe and confidential space where people in the community can go and get the help that they need.

Management of suspicious bruises/marks in infants under six months

We recognise swaddling a baby and use of a cot bumper are not aligned to the Safe Sleeping Guidance. Unfortunately, due to the limitations of the software available to us these are the only images we were able to use.

Child Exploitation

Hertfordshire’s Vulnerabilities Toolkit can help support identification of children/young people who may be vulnerable to exploitation; criminal, sexual, gang and youth violence. The Toolkit includes the most common indicators of exploitation against corresponding levels of low, medium and high risk.

Water safety

Read about the importance of water safety for babies, children and older children and take advantage of these valuable resources:

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