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Hertfordshire County Council


Your connected life (logo)


Keeping on top of things
Keeping healthy



Keeping active
Keeping in touch




This website has ideas to help you stay happy, safe and well in your own home. With the right connections in place, it’s much easier to live life to the full.

Your Connected Life is all about building a network around you to make your life easier and more enjoyable.



Our short video explains how Your Connected Life can help you.


Keeping on top of things


Managing your money

You or your carer may be eligible for support, discounts or certain benefits.

Our trusted Money advice tool has online, chat line and printable help on benefits, debt, care costs, housing, bereavement, young people and retirement

Call 03444 111 444 for advice on money, benefits and information about legal advice from Hertfordshire’s Citizens Advice services

Cost of living help

Find advice and practical help with energy costs, food, health costs, managing finances and making savings

Planning ahead

It’s a good idea to get advice about planning for the future. This includes:

Making a Will

Make sure your money, property and possessions are passed on to the people you care about, by making a will.

Power of Attorney

Set up arrangements for someone else to act on your behalf if you become ill or unable to make decisions.

Have a Carer’s In Case of Emergency plan

Get your Carer's In Case of Emergency plan in place if you care for someone who couldn’t manage without your help.

Be aware of scams

Watch out for scams and rogue traders. If you’re concerned, contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.

AgeUK has good Scams advice – How to spot and avoid scams | Age UK

You can also get advice on scams and frauds by phone, email or online chat Citizens Advice

Support for carers

Carers in Hertfordshire provide advice, information and support to unpaid carers. If family, friends or neighbours give you support you couldn’t manage without, they can get help too by calling 01992 586 969.

Find out more about support for carers at


Keeping healthy


Looking after your Wellbeing

If things are difficult emotionally right now, you're not alone. Talk to your GP or call 02037 273600 to find Services for Adults | Hertfordshire Mind Network

Learn self-management strategies to support your personal recovery with free courses about mental health, wellbeing and recovery

Keep warm

Being cold is bad for your health and wellbeing. Stay cosy with layers of clothing and blankets and warm food and drinks. Move around to warm up.

For help with heating call 0300 345 3446.

Warm spaces

Visit a local warm space to make friends, have a hot drink and join in an activity if you wish. Call 0300 123 4044

Looking after your health

  • Local pharmacists can advise on minor health concerns, medication queries and when you should see your GP.
  • It’s important to attend medical appointments and get your free covid vaccine, and flu jab if you're eligible. Speak to your doctor, local pharmacy or call 111
  • Visit Live Well - NHS for useful health tips.
  • Help with your health if you have a learning disability

Free health and wellbeing support

Support with your health, weight, quitting smoking, your mental wellbeing and much more at your local healthy hub

Find support and activities to help you stay healthy and well in the  Healthy living | Hertfordshire Directory

Eating well

Find kitchen equipment, aids and gadgets to help you to eat at Living Made Easy - Home


Keeping active

Having a pet can help you to be more active and can be a great comfort.

The Cinnamon Trust charity provides practical help for pet owners facing difficulties with any aspect of day-to-day care. Visit the Cinnamon Trust website or Call 01736 757900.

You could also connect to a local volunteer dog walker or pet sitter email or call 01727 649980.

Keeping in touch



Join a hobby or interest group to do the things you enjoy and meet new people. Find at Activities, hobbies and leisure for adults 

Find a new activity or group with help from HertsHelp

You can call them on 0300 123 4044 for assistance.


It’s important to stay connected to people and things you enjoy. Have a chat in person when you can, or pick up the phone to keep in touch.

If you have good neighbours keep in touch with them regularly. They might be able to help with things like a bit of shopping or fixing something around the house or just a chat at times.


Volunteering has lots of benefits for you as well as those you help. There are many different opportunities to try, some even from home.

Find local volunteer opportunities or call 01462 689409.


Where to go for advice


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