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Hertfordshire County Council



Information for schools and teachers


Marvellous Makers: Summer Reading Challenge 2024 is nearly upon us.

Your local library may have already been in touch to organise an assembly to encourage children to take part. If not, please contact us if you're interested in a visit from your local library team.

If you're not able to hold an assembly with staff from your local library, please consider showing the Summer Reading presentation (PDF 1.55MB) in your classrooms to explain what the challenge is all about.

You can also download a newsletter template (Word 178KB) that you can customise and send to parents to tell them about the Summer Reading Challenge.


What is the Summer Reading Challenge?

The Summer Reading Challenge, presented by The Reading Agency and funded by Arts Council England, is the country’s largest campaign designed to encourage primary-aged children to read for pleasure.

Presented in partnership with public libraries, each summer over 700,000 children across the country take part in this fun and free programme which helps keep children reading over the long summer break and ward off the dip in literacy levels that can result from the time out of the classroom.

For more information visit The Reading Agency website.



 Participant smiling with her book


Marvellous makes


Get creative with some Marvellous Makes from home. We would love to see your creative creations on social media using the #HertsMarvellousMaker

Design a Medal Wallet for your Summer Reading Challenge medal ready for when you finish Marvellous Makers., with the help of this Medal Wallet template (PDF 3.73MB).

Make a Corner Bookmark to help keep your place.

Make a Spinner – or a few - and experiment to see which one works best.

Craft an Origami Rocket

Create an Origami Finger Puppet

Make an Origami Frog






Orange and green paint splash

7 Marvellous Maker characters

Summer Reading Challenge 2024
Delivered in partnership with libraries
Illustrations by Natelle Quek and logo artwork by Lizzie Everard. All © The Reading Agency 2024.

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