Blue badges - contact us

Ask for social care help

Ask for social care help onlineWe'll contact you within 3 working days to work out what you need.

Report a concern about an adult

Concerned about an adult? Report it onlineor call 0300 123 4042 (24 hours a day).

Bus passes

Bus passes - apply or renew online

Any questions, email
To pay over the phone or ask a question, call 0300 123 4050.


See what equipment could help you


If you want to return unwanted equipment loaned to you by Hertfordshire Equipment Service, you can arrange for us to collect it from you:


Phone: 01707 292555

Monday to Friday, 9am – 4.30pm.

Emergency repairs

For urgent repairs to equipment loaned to you by Hertfordshire Equipment Service:

Phone: 07543 602651

Monday to Friday, 5pm – 10pm
Weekends and bank holidays, 8am – 10pm.


Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards team

01438 843800

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Team
Adult Care Services
Farnham House

More about Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.

Professionals working in Care Homes and Hospitals can now use the DoLS Portal to request a new DoLS authorisation or an extension to an existing authorisation

HertsHelpA free, independent advice service. Get help finding a service, event or group near you.


All other enquiries

Phone: 0300 123 4042

Textphone/ Minicom: 18001 01992934479 (through Text Relay)

Phone lines are open:

Monday to Friday – 8.30am–5.30pm

Lines are closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. An out of hours service is available for emergencies.