Details Response to petition Title: White Streetlamps, WGC Petition Overview: The streetlamps across the majority of Welwyn Garden City still makes use of archaic inefficient, dark, yellow streetlamps. This encompasses many major roads and junctions across the area. These should be replaced (or have their "heads" upgraded) to the brighter white/clear-coloured lamps or white/clear LED units. These are much more efficeint, and would be much brighter than the current old, yellow units. The areas roads would be safer and brighter and residents at home and when out and about as pedestrians would feel safer when it comes to the threat of crime. Relevant Area(s): Not Specified Opening Date: 12/03/2015 closing Date: 13/03/2015 Signatures: 2 Petitioner Name: Chris Harding No ePetitions found that require responses.