Our strategies and plans, plus performance data and reports from our services.
The Corporate Parenting Strategy 2022 - 2025 (PDF 751MB) is our plan and vision for fulfilling the ambitions and corporate parenting responsibilities to all our children in care and care leavers.
Adoption service
Youth Justice Service
Hertfordshire's Fostering Strategy 2023-25 (PDF, 2.85MB)
Fiona Thompson – Cabinet Member, Children, Young People and Families
"I am delighted to see the launch of the new Fostering Strategy and am looking forward to seeing the outcomes of the exciting new developments taking place within the service.
As corporate parents, we give our full support to the ongoing recruitment and retention of our foster carers in Hertfordshire. I have met some truly wonderful carers who offer stable and loving homes to the children they care for and have an absolute passion for helping our children be the best they can be. We really encourage anyone thinking about fostering to come forward and help us make our fostering community bigger and better."
Jo Fisher – Executive Director of Children’s Services
"In November 2020, Hertfordshire County Council produced its first Fostering Strategy ‘One Team built around the child’ with the aim of all teams, departments and organisations working together as one team to grow and improve fostering in Hertfordshire.
By doing this well, we would have more skilled in-house foster carers who are able to meet the needs of the children and young people in our care and more choice of homes for children who are looked after in Hertfordshire, helping them to achieve good outcomes in a local family environment.
Over the last three years, a number of actions within the strategy have been delivered, including recruiting over 100 new in-house foster carers, introducing a new payment structure, a new support offer and improved training opportunities.
The fostering strategy has been evaluated following consultation with children and young people, foster carers and partners. A new updated version has now been published with a focus on recruitment and retention of foster carers, our support offer, emergency care provision, short breaks and the development of an intensive fostering project."
The Shared Anti-Fraud Service (SAFS) investigates possible cases of fraud or corruption.
It's a partnership between:

Our data on fraud is updated on an annual basis.
Want to report fraud or corruption?
Our People Strategy 2024-2028 (PDF, 12.1MB) sets out how we will attract, retain and develop our workforce.
The Corporate Plan is our vision for Hertfordshire. It sets out our key priorities and how we plan to make them happen.
Corporate Plan 2022-25
Hertfordshire Libraries Annual Report 2023-24
The report shares highlights from our libraries during the last year, reflecting the key themes of the Inspiring Libraries: My Place strategy.
View the Libraries Annual Report