Petition Overview: |
We are signing this petition to object to the new Bengeo Field quarry proposal just outside Hertford (ref PL\0870\17). A similar application was submitted last year and unanimously rejected by HCC Development Control Committee in March 2017. Although the area and the volume of the proposed quarry is decreased, most of the significant reasons for the Committee's refusal remain unchanged in this new application. We believe the proposal is equally unacceptable and does not address sufficiently the concerns raised by residents during the previous consultation. The threat to the landscape and wildlife remains. The health and noise concerns related to gravel extraction remain. The impact of the quarry on the highways and traffic remains a concern. And significantly the risk of pollution to the water supply remains unanswered. We object strongly to the proposal which would change the pleasantly rural character of this part of town into an industrial eyesore. While the quarry is active this important amenity for North Hertford will be a largely inaccessible and unpleasant gravel pit, and the resulting “hole” will transform a natural landscape - visible from Hertford, the B158 and the surrounding countryside - to a man-made one forever. The landscape survey and events organised by campaigners provide evidence that hundreds of people use the Bengeo Field for recreation and treasure the landscape and its iconic features, including the “Lonely Oak” and the byway, which is now registered as Asset of Community Value. It is also important to raise the proximity of the proposed quarry to the Bengeo Primary School and residential houses. The draft Minerals Local Plan recommends that the Bengeo Field land is no longer considered the "preferred area". The MLP is expected to be approved in 2018, and we believe the application within the current (old) MLP preferred area should not be considered acceptable in light of the proposed draft MLP. Finally, given that the County Council's obligation for the landbank is now satisfied for over 15 years, we believe the quarry proposal needs to be rejected as it would destroy permanently this beautiful area of Hertford's countryside and put at risk local children's and residents' health, Hertford's water supply and the safety of the surrounding highways. We, therefore, request that the HCC Development Control Committee refuse this new application on the same grounds as the previous application. |