The County Council is aware of the need to be a respectful neighbour and strives to meet the expectation of local residents, those who visit the site for services and its staff at all times. During 2015, we had to undertake significant repairs to one of our major car parks but put in place a number of alternative solutions to assist staff to continue to deliver their roles. A significant element of this work then and now continues to be the provision of systems and working practices that reduce the need for staff of all levels to visit our sites on a daily basis. These include the use of many of the presence reducing products used in private business, such as Skype and MS Link to replace the need for actual presence at meetings, increase productivity and reduce costs. The rollout of these changes, together with additional touchdown space across the county, will continue throughout the coming year and beyond. Alongside this, we have continued our travel and C02 reduction work by encouraging staff to car share, cycle, walk and use public transport to access all of our sites in efforts to reduce the overall requirement for single user car journeys. All of the relevant travel information, cycle routes, bus and rail routes, alongside the location of public car parks surrounding all our sites are publicised on our Intranet, and included as part of our Induction process for new staff. Included in all of this information is the need to be respectful of all road restrictions and to travel lawfully at all times.