E-Petition – Croxdale Road, Borehamwood – Request for Traffic Calming The concerns raised within this petition have been considered and investigated. The first step when such concerns are received is to remind residents that it is the responsibility of the Police to enforce the 30 m.p.h. speed limit; the county council do not have powers in this respect. Policing priorities are set by the Police and Crime Commissioner. In respect to the speed of traffic, the Commissioner launched 'Operation Slowdown', the link below explains how their initiative works: https://www.herts.police.uk/advice/operation_slowdown.aspx Council officers will continue to liaise with the local Police and seek to ensure they are aware as the speed enforcement authority, of the concerns raised through the e-petition by the local community, about traffic speeds exceeding the existing 30 m.p.h. speed limit in this road. With respect to requests for Police speed enforcement, they can of course be made direct to the police, and a link to the local Policing team’s website is provided below to assist. Alternatively, the Police can be contacted by phone on 101. http://www.police.uk/hertfordshire/J02/ With regard to the concerns about the potential danger caused by speeding traffic; every year the county council receives significant numbers of similar service enquiries for investigation. There are, however, limited resources available. As you can appreciate we need to prioritise which initiatives will go forward. Croxdale Road has not been highlighted by the hazardous sites list, which is an annually produced report identifying a location or routes where there have been clusters of personal injury accidents. In fact, our records show Croxdale Road does not have a poor accident history as there have been no personal injury accidents in this road in the last five year period for which we hold data. The ongoing recording of all injury accidents in Hertfordshire will, however, identify any deterioration in the accident situation should that occur. Highways and Transport related schemes and initiatives carried out by the County Council are identified through a number of Local Transport Plans developed with consideration to Hertfordshire County Councils’ Corporate Plan. In summary, all schemes delivered through the Council's core funded programmes are prioritised on the basis of how they meet and contribute to the County Council's priorities as stated in its Corporate Plan and Local Transport Plan. Further information about the Council's strategies, selection processes and achievements can be obtained by following the two web links provided as follows: 1.For information about our newly created Local Transport Plan Live Homepage http://www.hertsdirect.org/services/transtreets/ltplive/ 1.For access to the Council's programme entry selection processes http://www.hertsdirect.org/services/transtreets/tranpan/utpguidnotes/ Currently, the County Council has no proposals for traffic calming in this road and the available data does not appear to support the case for introducing high cost traffic calming measures such as road humps. The petition has also been discussed with the local county councillor, Leon Reefe, and it is acknowledged that the road is long and straight in parts but that on street parking helps to keep speeds low whilst other sections of the road have tight corners that also help to control traffic speeds. Councillor Reefe has added Croxdale Road to a list of requests in his area for funding consideration during the 2015/16 budget year, for possible further investigations including the collection of traffic speed and flow data. In the event that such investigations highlight a significant problem with speeding in this road, council officers will highlight the information to the police and discuss the matter with Cllr Reefe again to see whether any lower cost traffic calming measures like road signs and ‘slow’ road markings could be funded from the highways locality budget during 2015/16.