Thank you for your e-petition, raising concern about traffic speeds on Westfield Road, Harpenden, and requesting traffic calming measures. Officers will continue to liaise with the local Police Traffic Management Unit, to maintain their awareness as the speed enforcement authority, of the concerns raised by the local community about traffic speeds exceeding the existing speed limit. With regard to the concerns about the potential danger caused by speeding traffic; every year Hertfordshire Highways receives significant numbers of similar service enquiries for investigation. There are, however, limited resources available. As you can appreciate we need to prioritise which initiatives will go forward. Whenever a request for a service is received, an initial assessment is made to confirm the request meets agreed Highways and Transport policies, targets and programmes; and then the appropriate response is provided to the local community. The next step to progress this request is for Highways Officers to undertake an assessment of the existing local traffic conditions, when typical traffic movements are prevalent outside of the school holidays period. Officers would then liaise with the local County Councillor to consider the need for possible future traffic improvement measures here, compared with other candidate sites across the highway network, and to update the local community of the findings. You may be aware that the Harpenden UTP highlighted the need for improved cycle crossing facilities to be considered where the Upper Lea Valley Green Route crosses Westfield Road. This scheme is currently being developed in co operation with Sustrans and an on site trial is to take place to assess one of the design options. It may be that these measures, if progressed, change the nature of the road. As with all schemes of this nature, afterwards surveys would be undertaken to assess changes to vehicle speeds etc. This data will help us to asses the ste in the light of the issues you have drawn to our attention and the processes outlined above. The concerns that you have raised with respect to parking will be discussed with the District Council who manage and enforce parking in the District.