E-Petition said: Herts CC should consider implementing speed humps along Holwell Road, Welwyn Garden City between Mill Green Road and Broadwater Road. This stretch is frequently used as a speedway by drivers and the views of pedestrians are obscured by parked cars along each side. Suggested Response: The county council has considered and investigated the concerns raised within this petition. Additionally, the local county councillor, Malcolm Cowan has been made aware of receipt of this petition. The first step when concerns are received about speeding motorists and irresponsible driving is to remind residents that it is the responsibility of the Police to enforce the speed limit; the county council do not have powers in either respect. Policing priorities are set by the Police and Crime Commissioner and to specifically target speeding motorists the Commissioner launched two initiatives: a) Operation Slowdown www.herts.police.uk/advice/operation_slowdown.aspx b) Community Drivesafe www.herts.police.uk/advice/community_drivesafe.aspx The Community Drivesafe scheme aims to empower communities by providing them with means to undertake roadside speed monitoring themselves. Council officers have made the local Police aware of the concerns raised by this petition. Initial discussions with the police suggest they were not previously aware of speeding concerns in Holwell Road but propose to add this site to their list for speed data collection. When this data is available, not only will it be shared with the county council, but it will also be used by the police to determine whether the speed of traffic is deemed to be a problem, which in turn will inform their response. Local residents and the lead petitioner can of course make direct contact with the police to discuss their concerns, a link to the local Policing team’s website is provided below to assist. Alternatively, the Police can be contacted by phone on 101. http://www.police.uk/hertfordshire/B01/ Currently, the County Council has no proposals to implement traffic calming in Holwell Road. It is acknowledged that the road is long and straight in parts but that whilst on street parking helps to reduce traffic speeds, visibility for pedestrians is not significantly compromised. Knowledge of the location and interrogation of the data held by the council does not appear to support the case for introducing high cost traffic calming measures such as road humps. For information, Highways and Transport related schemes carried out by the County Council are identified through a number of Local Transport Plans developed with consideration to Hertfordshire County Councils’ Corporate Plan. In summary, all schemes delivered through the Council's core funded programmes are prioritised on the basis of how they meet and contribute to the County Council's priorities as set out in its Corporate Plan and Local Transport Plan. Further information about the Council's strategies, selection processes and achievements can be obtained by following the two web links provided as follows: Local Transport Plan Live Homepage: www.hertsdirect.org/services/transtreets/ltplive/ Programme Entry Selection Process: www.hertsdirect.org/services/transtreets/tranpan/utpguidnotes/ In the event that the police speed data does highlight a significant problem with speeding, council officers will submit the site for prioritisation within the council’s Speed Compliance Programme.