E- Petition – To Reduce Speeding on Shooters Way, Berkhamsted Thank you for your e-petition which has a closing date of 31 March 2015 and at the time of writing has the support of 262 signatures. For clarity I have listed responses to the various suggestions raised together with explanations on the various possible funding mechanisms :- Speeding Traffic The County Council does have certain static sites around the County which measure the speed and volume of vehicles. Unfortunately there are no measurement sites at this location but my Highway Locality Officer has discussed this petition with County Councillor Ian Reay who has agreed to use a proportion of his 2015/16 Highway Locality Budget to fund some speed and volume surveys in various locations along Shooters Way. The results from these surveys should be available by mid-end May 2015, whereupon they will be assessed against the County’s Speed Management Strategy to determine whether the mean speeds exceed or are within the current thresholds for the existing limit. Should the results highlight a problem then additional traffic calming measures (which could include additional warning signs or road markings), may be considered dependent on available funding. Speed Limit Reminders Within a 30mph limit the regulations do not permit the use of repeater 30mph signs. As it is within a residential area and has street lights this in itself reinforces and reminds drivers of the limit. Sometimes a yellow backing plate behind the existing 30mph sign is used to enhance/ draw the limit to the drivers attention and this can be also be considered at this site. Vehicle Activated Signs Again, the mean speeds analysis would dictate whether any further measures could be considered but also with reference to the SMS, certain criteria has to be met before VA signs can be deployed. This would include a full assessment of whether fixed signing could assist in the first instance and the site would have to show record of at least 3 personal injury collisions during the last 3 years, with at least one of these accidents attributed to speed. Accident records I have checked the 3 year accident records throughout the whole length of Shooters Way and found that within the 30mph section there have been 3 slight injury accidents. There have been 4 slight and 1 serious injury accident within the de-restricted speed limit section. Narrow Footways Although there are obvious private boundary restrictions in some locations it is clear that a degree of ‘siding-out’ (clearance of overgrown grass and weeds from back of footway) and the cutting back of some overgrown hedges, would benefit the pedestrian. In this respect I have asked the Highway Locality Officer to meet with our term contractor and carry out a full survey of the footways. There may be scope (subject to funding), to slightly widen the footway in some places. Safer Routes to School We are working with all the Berkhamsted schools to investigate ways to improve and increase sustainable journeys to school and we will ensure that your concerns are taken into account when considering future measures to encourage more walking to school. Tring Northchurch & Berkhamsted Urban Transport Plan The Tring, Northchurch and Berkhamsted Urban Transport Plan was produced in 2013 and contains potential schemes to address issues in and around Shootersway such as the junction with Kingshill Way and Kings Road but no specific measures were proposed to address speeding concerns. Funding The injury related accident records (detailed above), are not of substance to allocate any funding from the Safety Engineering Budget this coming financial year, finance being understandably being directed at those sites across the County which have a greater injury or fatality record. Therefore dependent on the speed and volume results there is a possibility that some funding can be provided for some small improvements through the County Councillors Highway Locality Budget. This will be discussed with the County Councillor as soon as possible. I am conscious that I have made a couple of references to the County Council’s Speed Management Strategy and for your information a full version of the SMS can be viewed by visiting our website on Hertsdirect.com. I trust the above helps to address your various concerns and provides adequate information regarding your suggestions for reducing speeds but please do not hesitate to contact my Highway Locality Manager Steve Gregory or Highway Locality Officer Peter Wright should you require any further information, although as you can see, these officers are already in communication with your local County Councillor.