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Hertfordshire County Council

The Connected Counties superfast broadband programme has now closed.


Department for Environment Food and Rural AffairsBetween 2013 and 2021 Hertfordshire delivered more than 50,000 superfast connections (24mbps and above) as part of a joint project with Buckinghamshire, the Hertfordshire LEP, Openreach and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). That means over 98.5% of residents and businesses in the county were able to order a Superfast connection.

In early 2019, BT (Openreach) were successful in bidding for a £900,000 contract, with an aid intensity of 85%, to deliver an additional 400 superfast Fibre to the Premise (FTTP) connections across Hertfordshire. This included nearly 200 business premises, under the Rural Development Programme for England as part of a Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs funded rollout.


Can you get a fibre connection?

Find out if you can already order a fibre connection by using one of these online checkers:

Cheaper “Social” Broadband Tariffs – Could you be eligible?

Social tariffs are discounted broadband and mobile deals for people on Universal Credit and other benefits. These tariffs are delivered in the same way as normal packages, just at a lower price. Amid rising living costs, more broadband and mobile companies are beginning to offer social tariffs to help customers on low incomes.

A large number of broadband providers now offer discounted social tariff products, with some offering deals from as low as £15 per month. This could represent a saving of more than £180 per year, which is around 50% compared to the average cost of broadband.

 If you receive government benefits, you could qualify for one of these discounted price plans. For more information on eligibility and current available cheaper tariffs, visit

The benefits of 5G

5G is beginning to be rolled out across the country and is already available in many areas. It will bring a range benefits, not least broadband-like speeds along with a range of new applications.

The next generation of mobile devices are normally 5G enabled as default, but for residents and businesses to benefit from these technological advance’s providers may need to install some new equipment and masts across the county.

New infrastructure is not always popular so we’ve listed some of the benefits of improved connectivity:

  1. Faster download Speeds – The most obvious benefit of 5G is faster speeds (download and upload) on the go. Potentially up to 100 times faster than 4G. This means quicker and higher amounts of data transfer and smoother streaming.
  2. Better back-up connectivity – Ideal for those working without a stable or fast enough broadband connection or streaming multiple devices at once (multiscreen household)
  3. Enables support for exciting new technologies – 5G will be a key enabler for emerging Technologies such as AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality) and development of smart cities and towns. Firefighters could one day use AR glasses to deal with smoke filled/zero visibility incidents. Drones could collect real time data avoiding collection, download and processing times as well as human error.
  4. More responsive internet connection (Lower Latency) - The lower the latency, the more responsive the internet on your device is. 4G is typically 30-40 milliseconds (ms) while 5G is under 10ms sometimes as low as 1ms. This is crucial for applications like real time online gaming and self-driving/autonomous vehicles.
  5. Better connectivity in crowded areas - 5G networks can support a much large number of devices and connections simultaneously without significant drop in performance. This will allow for you to stand in a crowded place like a festival, and still be able to send and receive information almost instantly.
  6. IoT or the Internet of Things - 5G will play an important role in enabling IoT across a range of developing areas including automated vehicles, air quality monitoring and traffic management and a whole plethora of new and developing tech.
  7. Improved reliability – With a 5G network being readily available and very unlikely to experience service drop out or lag, it could be relied on for robotic surgeries and industrial automation.
  8. Economic growth – 5G is expected to drive economic growth by enabling new industries, creating jobs and fostering innovation. This will allow more industries to move out of London and other big cities and into the home counties.


There will be many other benefits, and these will continue to evolve as the technology matures and expands. Use the 5G Coverage Checker to search for 5G in your area.

For more information, please visit Mobile UK #5GCheckTheFacts

Ways to improve connection speeds in Hertfordshire

There are a still number of options for improving your connection speed if you are a resident in Hertfordshire:


Government Gigabit broadband voucher schemes

This rural gigabit voucher scheme continues to help rural premises to improve their connectivity.

Small businesses and local communities can put the vouchers towards the installation cost of a gigabit-capable connection. Rural businesses can claim up to £3,500 against the cost of connection, either individually or as part of a group project. Residents can receive a voucher worth £1,500 as part of a group project.

These schemes may still require further funding from the local community, but this would be made clear by the supplier before any contract was agreed.

For more information, visit


The right to request a decent broadband service - The Universal Service Obligation

If you're unable to get a download speed of 10mbps and an upload speed of 1mbps then you now have the right to request an upgraded connection, with a subsidy of up to £3,400 available for eligible premises.

The scheme is being run by BT in Hertfordshire and is being overseen by Ofcom.

Your home or business could be eligible if it:

  • has no access to existing decent broadband; and
  • will not be covered by a public broadband scheme offered by the UK and devolved governments in the next 12 months.

Details of how to access this service (BT)

More about the Ofcom criteria


Get the most out of your existing broadband connection

Wi-Fi can be easily disrupted by environmental factors such as home wiring, walls and other electrical devices in the home (including Sky boxes and consoles). You may be able to boost current speeds by making a few simple changes or speaking to your Internet Service Provider.

Even if you can't already receive superfast broadband, reviewing the way your equipment is set up could still be hugely beneficial in getting the most out of your existing service, including moving your router or plugging some devices directly into your router.

We always recommend speaking to your current Internet Service Provider before making any major changes.

Which? top tips to speed up slow broadband

Openreach – Wholesale passive and access product and pricing list


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