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Hertfordshire County Council

Contact your district or borough council for help with:

  • registering for Council Tax
  • billing enquiries and payments
  • Council Tax benefits, discounts and exemptions
  • changing address
  • appeals (including appeals against banding and / or payment)
  • valuation information.



The county council's element of Council Tax

We spend more than £1.1 billion every year to deliver over 500 council services, which benefit every resident, business and community in Hertfordshire. 

On 25 February 2025, Hertfordshire's county councillors agreed our budget for 2025/26.

This year, we've raised our element of your Council Tax bill by 4.99% (2% for the adult social care precept and 2.99% for general Council Tax).

This increase is essential to meet the challenges we're facing.

The county council element of Council Tax for band D households:

  • Yearly bill for 2024/25 was £1,685.75
  • Council Tax increase: £84.12
  • Yearly bill for 2025/26: £1,769.87.

Our Council Tax increase works out to be just over £1.62 extra a week for the average household, which will be invested into vital services.


£527.3m caring for adults

Your money helps us provide essential care and support to over 30,000 adults every year.

We’ve assisted over 18,000 residents to leave hospital this year and we’ve invested £30 million to fund an uplift in care provider fees.

This investment allows over 9,000 residents to stay safe and independent at home for longer.





£77.2m keeping Hertfordshire moving

We look after 3,200 miles of roads, carrying out more than 1,000 maintenance and improvement schemes annually. Last year we resurfaced 1 million square miles of roads to help prevent potholes forming.

Our HertsLynx on-demand bus service has served over 120,000 residents in 3 years, while we continue to construct and improve active travel routes to help residents walk, cycle or wheel safely.





£55.7m towards keeping residents healthy 

Our services help people to make healthy choices and lifestyle changes, reducing their risk of long-term illness and helping them to live a long life well.

This includes checking the weight and development of every child born in the county and providing services that help residents to quit smoking and access support for alcohol and substance misuse.



Firefighter reeling in a hose



£21.9m community services for every stage of life

Our libraries continue to see an increase in visitors, who borrow over 6 million items each year.

We register 3,500 civil marriages and partnerships, and 18,000 births and deaths each year.


Where we spend your money

Each household in Hertfordshire will receive a Council Tax bill from their district or borough council.

The money raised through Council Tax is shared between the following authorities, which provide a range of services.

  • Caring and supporting children, young people and families
  • caring for the elderly and vulnerable and people with disabilities and mental health problems
  • public health and supporting people with drug or alcohol problems
  • Fire and Rescue Service
  • road maintenance and safety
  • coordinating bus services and providing home to school transport for children
  • recycling and waste disposal
  • responding to major planning applications – for example, housing and mineral extraction
  • economic development
  • providing libraries, archives and local studies material
  • protecting consumers against poor quality goods and services and upholding fair trading laws
  • community safety (crime / anti-social behaviour reduction initiatives) and emergency planning.

More about Hertfordshire County Council services

  • Policing and crime prevention.
  • Housing and homelessness
  • refuse collection and street cleansing services
  • environmental health
  • leisure services
  • planning and building control
  • car parks and controlled parking zones.

More about district and borough services

  • Allotments
  • village halls
  • cemeteries and closed churchyards.

More about town and parish council services


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