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Hertfordshire County Council
Ukraine flag colours (blue and gold)


Homes for Ukraine rent deposit scheme

Our rent deposit scheme is open to all guests living with a host or in temporary accommodation provided by the council under the Homes for Ukraine scheme in Hertfordshire.

The scheme is to support Homes for Ukraine guests who can realistically afford a long-term tenancy (ongoing rent and all other costs involved with running a home) but can't pay the upfront lump sum of the deposit and first month’s rent. 

This is a one-off payment, not a loan. Successful applicants will not need to repay it to us. 

The rent deposit scheme is available to Homes for Ukraine guests who currently hold a Homes for Ukraine scheme visa or an approved Ukraine Permission Extension scheme visa. 

If you need advice or help with your rent deposit scheme application, contact the free HCNS Ukraine Support Service by email

We can’t confirm the exact amount successful applicants might be granted.  Whilst this will usually cover the first month’s rent plus tenancy deposit, it will vary depending on the applicant's personal circumstances

These funds can only be paid to a landlord or letting agent. We can’t reimburse individuals for amounts already paid


Apply for the rent deposit scheme

Apply for the rent deposit scheme

The scheme is also available for guests who want to move to a different area as it may be cheaper as well as those staying in Hertfordshire.

You can apply to the rent deposit scheme as an individual, on behalf of your family, with another person or family who will share the cost of living financially independent with you.

To complete the application, each applicant will need to provide:

1.  A copy of your MoneyHelper budget planner. You can get this at How much rent can you afford?

  • Don't enter an amount for rent into the MoneyHelper calculator.
  • Do enter an estimate of monthly household bills (for example, gas, electric, water, Council Tax). Help to calculate the cost of bills
  • More information about Council Tax in Hertfordshire. (If you're applying outside of Hertfordshire, include the Council Tax for the relevant area).
  • Make sure you include all income and outgoings so both you and we can accurately assess if your household can live financially independently.
  • Select 'Download Spreadsheet' and save the full excel version to upload. This ensures we have details of all incomings and outgoings, not just the summary/emailed results.


2.  Your right to rent share code. You can get this at Prove your right to rent in England: get a share code (GOV.UK) 


3. Your eVisa share code. This must confirm that you’re on a Homes for Ukraine scheme visa or an approved Ukraine Permission Extension scheme visa. We will check your eVisa and our records to confirm that you were hosted on the Homes for Ukraine scheme in Hertfordshire. View and prove your immigration status: get a share code (GOV.UK)


4.  Evidence of 2 months' pay (e.g. monthly salary slip)


5.  A copy of benefits journal(s), if you or anyone in the household receive benefits or evidence of how much you are currently receiving in benefits.  


6.  Details of what you may be entitled to for housing benefits in the future –

  • To understand what you may receive if you are living financially independent, make sure you complete this as if you are living on your own, not with a host.       
  • Select 'Download Spreadsheet' and save the full excel version to upload. This ensures we have details of the benefits you might be entitled to, not just the summary/emailed results.


6.  A copy of bank account statements for the last 2 months.



What happens next

We will review your application to ensure we have all the information we need. We'll contact you if we need any further information.

A panel will review fully completed applications within 5 working days (1 week). The panel will either approve or decline your application based on whether we believe you're able to live independently, financially.

If your application is not successful, we will give you feedback and advice on what to do next. If the details or circumstances change, you can reapply. 

If your application is successful, we will provide you with a letter confirming the amount of deposit / rent we will fund. You can show this to letting agents.

We would recommend that you await the decision of the panel before finding a property. The panel will indicate how much we can fund for the deposit / rent.

Any offer of funds that we make is valid for 3 months to allow time to find a property. If a property is not found in 3 months, you'll need to reapply.

Whilst we try and make the process as quick as possible, if you contact us when you have already found a property, this puts unnecessary pressure on timescales which we may not be able to meet.  

When you find a property, you will need to provide an invoice for the amount agreed to be paid to the letting agent. You'll also need to sign and return a grant agreement before we can release the funds.

These funds can only be paid to a landlord or letting agent. We can't reimburse individuals for amounts already paid.

Once you’ve found a property, your letting agent may ask for a “holding deposit” which is usually equal to one week’s rent. This is separate and different from the main tenancy deposit. You will need to pay this holding deposit yourself.

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