What services are available?
Careers Advice
In school or college
Legally all schools and colleges must have someone who provides careers guidance to pupils. You can speak to your school or college to find out who provides careers guidance, in lots of cases in Hertfordshire this is provided by Services for Young People. For those in special schools, please contact the Services for Young People SEND Team.
Outside of school or college
Visit a young people's centre for careers advice. Someone will be there who can help you to work out steps into employment. Find your local young people's centre offering information, advice and support - and be sure to check the opening times, as each young people's centre has different opening hours.
You can also speak to SfYP's SEND team on their duty line. They will offer advice about employment and personal development opportunities over the phone.
SfYP's SEND team duty line is for all young people, whatever their learning difficulty/ disability or background.
Careers advice if you have an EHCP
For those with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), Services for Young People can offer information, advice and guidance in key transition years. For those who attend Hertfordshire Special Schools, the Personal Adviser will be from the SfYP SEND Team.
They work with young people from the age of 14, and are involved in the Year 9 EHCP Review and will provide a Preparing for Adulthood Transition Plan. Talk to your school if you would like additional support from a Services for Young People Personal Adviser, or speak to someone on the SfYP SEND team duty line - 01438 844 999.
If the school’s careers guidance is not provided by SfYP, then they may have their own offer which varies from school to school. Speak to your school's Career's Leader to find out more.
If your young person is not in education but would like this support, SfYP's SEND team will provide them with support to find work (or get back into education or training) up until the age of 25.