If you're an adult who is caring for a child or young person with SEND you may be eligible for a carer's assessment. Usually, this will be offered to you at the same time your child or young person is being assessed.
If this doesn't happen, as a parent or carer of a child or young person with SEND you have the right to ask for an assessment of your own needs.
How to request a carer's assessment
The service that does carer's assessments in Hertfordshire is called the 0 - 25 Together service. They look after all social care matters for families of children with SEND aged 0 - 25.
To request a carer's assessment from them, call Hertfordshire's Customer Service Centre on 0300 123 4043.
They will ask you for some basic information, which they will pass along to the 0 - 25 Together Service.
- name
- address
- date of birth
- NHS number
- any medication they take
- if they have a diagnosis
- who their GP is
- behaviours to be aware off
- communication needs
- mobility needs
- what school they go to
- whether they have an Education, Health and Care Plan or not
- who their support network is (family, extended family and friends)
- any benefits you receive
- any professional involvement you have
- what support you are looking for
- a contact phone number for you as parent/carer
Someone from the 0 - 25 Together Service will review your information, and make a decision whether to assess based on this.
If If they decide not to assess, they will instead send you a package of information with alternative support, or they may suggest you apply for Short Breaks - these are subsidised clubs and activities your child can take part in, to give you some hours in the day to do whatever you need.
If they do decide to assess, they will contact you to arrange the next steps.
The carer's assessment
This will usually be carried out by a social worker from the 0-25 Together team who will visit you in your home. The assessment will consider your needs, circumstances, and how your caring responsibilities impact the rest of your life.
You'll be asked questions which will be sent to you in advance by your social worker, so you'll have time to consider your answers. These will cover your caring role, your feelings about caring, your physical, mental and emotional health, and how caring affects your work, leisure, education, wider family and relationships.
After the carer's assessment
The assessment should work out how you can continue your caring role whilst also being supported to do the things that are important to you and your family. Because assessments are needs based, support will be tailored to suit you.
This might include:
- information and advice about the support and services available in your community to help with your wellbeing and caring role.
- Advice on how to prevent or delay things becoming more difficult in the future.
- Working with you to develop a contingency plan to help you think about times when you might not be available to care and when plans change at short notice.
- If the assessment identifies any unmet needs, you may be referred on to other services that can help. This could include gaining access to short break hours to provide respite, or being advised of any additional financial help you may be eligible for.
Page was last updated on: 11/12/2023 11:57:52