Can I take part?
You can take part in Lifelong Links if you are leaving care or a care experienced young adult aged 18-25.
If you're interested in signing up, you can refer yourself to Lifelong Links or WhatsApp the team on 07977 057638.
What happens next?
We'll assign you a Lifelong Links coordinator who will:
1. Help you explore your family history using timelines and family trees to identify who you want to reconnect with.
2. Support you in strengthening your relationships and organising meet ups with your chosen people, whether at 'family celebrations' or smaller, individual gatherings.
3. Develop a Lifelong Links Plan to outline the support your network offers. Your coordinator will always ask for your permission before they speak to people and will regularly review this plan with you and your network.
4. Create a Journey Book for you containing your plan, photos, messages, and important details about your life.
Our coordinators are independent and don't make decisions about your future.
You can always work at a pace which suits you. You'll never have to talk about anything you don't want to and there's no pressure to continue with the programme if you don't want to.
Worried about rejection and let downs?
While we can't promise there won't be challenges, coordinators work hard to minimise them. They communicate with you and your family to understand expectations and come up with realistic support plans. If setbacks occur, Lifelong Links offers fortnightly support groups where you can chat things through or spend time with other care experienced people.