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Hertfordshire County Council

Transport for people who can't drive or use public transport


If you're permanently disabled or an older person, we'll do our best to make sure you can get to where you need to be.


A door to door travel service for people over 75 and anyone with a permanent disability.

To become a member and book a ride, you can also call us on:

01992 556771

If you live in Broxbourne, call 01992 534269 to make a booking.


We're available Monday to Friday 9:00am - 4:30pm. You can use us to get to places like:

  • local shops
  • visiting friends and relatives
  • clubs
  • your local GP or dentist surgery.

It costs £2.10 for the first mile, 50p every mile after.

When you travel with us you can bring a friend too, they'll be charged the same amount.

Other community transport options

Community Transport Hertfordshire can help you find other providers in your area to help you get around, including:

  • car schemes
  • buses
  • minibuses
  • shopmobility.

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