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Hertfordshire County Council


Civil partnerships in Hertfordshire

A civil partnership is a legally recognised relationship. Whether you chose a simple signing or a ceremony to celebrate your civil partnership, we're here to guide you every step of the way.



Exciting times are ahead. Here are your steps to becoming civil partners.

1. Choose a simple signing or a ceremony

When you sign the civil partnership document, your celebration can be as simple or lavish as you want. 

You can choose to sign the schedule in front of a registrar and 2 witnesses by booking a civil partnership signing appointment. Or you could have a ceremony which can include vows, exchange of rings, music and readings. 

  • At one of our lovely register offices – you can choose to have a signing appointment or a full ceremony at one of our 8 Register Offices across Hertfordshire.
  • At one of our stunning approved venues – you can have a ceremony at one of our nearly 100 licensed venues across Hertfordshire. If you're holding your civil partnership in an approved venue, you'll need to book your venue and then book the registrars to attend and carry out the ceremony.
  • Anywhere ceremonies – if you want to celebrate your ceremony somewhere special but that isn’t a licensed venue, we can help. We can arrange a legal signing at one of our register offices and then officiate at the celebratory ceremony at the location of your choice.
  • Evening ceremonies (any time ceremonies) – there are no restrictions on the time of day you can have your ceremony so we can offer times later in the day at our approved venues.


Once you've decided on your venue and date, call 0300 123 4045 and we’ll send you a provisional booking letter for your ceremony.


2. Book to give notice of your civil partnership

Before you can register your civil partnership, you must both give your legal notice of intention.

Giving notice – what you need to know (GOV.UK)
You must give notice at least 29 days before you form a civil partnership.

Documents you'll need to give notice (GOV.UK)
You'll need proof of ID, address, marital status, and any name changes


You'll need to give notice in your local registration district. You must have lived in that district for at least 7 days immediately before the day you give your notice.

If you and your partner live in different areas, you'll both need to give notice in your own district (unless one or both of you is subject to immigration control).

Notice can be given up to 12 months before your civil partnership and no less than 28 days before.

Notices cost £42 each or £57 if one or both parties are subject to the Home Office referral and investigation scheme. If one or both parties are subject to the Home Office referral and investigation scheme, the waiting period can be extended to 70 days by the Home Office to allow time for any investigations.


3. Pay for the registration and ceremony

If you wish to attend a register office to sign the civil partnership document without a ceremony, the fee is £56.

Certificates cost £12.50 each and can be ordered online and sent to you by post once the signing has taken place.

Ceremony costs (1 April 2024 – 31 March 2025)
 DayRegister officeApproved venue 

Monday – Friday



Monday – Friday
(for ceremonies at 4.30pm)






Sunday / bank holiday



Any time ceremony costs (between between 6pm and 9am)
 Day Cost

Monday – Friday




Sunday / bank holiday


You must already be legal civil partners before your anywhere ceremony.


Converting a same-sex civil partnership to a marriage

A fee of £50 will be charged for a conversion.

Certificates can be issued after the conversion for a fee of £12.50 per copy.

You both need to go to any register office in Hertfordshire and give evidence of your identity and address as well as a certified copy of your civil partnership certificate.

If you want to have a ceremony to celebrate your new marital status, we can offer a Bespoke Conversion Ceremony. It can be held at any Hertfordshire register office or licensed venue in Hertfordshire. Call us on 0300 123 4045 for further details.



Contact details

Email or call us on 0300 123 4045 for more information on our venues and registrars or to answer your questions.

Privacy notice for the Registration and Citizenship Service


Images: Tori Deslauriers Photography

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