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Hertfordshire County Council

Contract opportunities

Register on the Supply Hertfordshire e-tendering system to view and apply for tender opportunities and sign up for email alerts.

We spend over £750 million each year on a wide range of services, works and goods. We want business opportunities to reach as many potential suppliers as possible and to make it easy for them to engage with us.

Supply Hertfordshire is our supplier portal for tender and quotation opportunities from us and other public sector organisations, with a joint spend of over £1 billion. It provides improved information for suppliers and a streamlined, accessible procurement process by offering:

  • automated email alerts (you can select categories when you register)
  • electronic tender and quotation returns.

All tenders and competitive quotations have to be undertaken using Supply Hertfordshire, so register if you’re interested in becoming one of our suppliers.


Existing contracts

Our contract register contains all of our current contracts.


Terms and conditions

We use our own terms and conditions for all goods, services and works contracts, these will be detailed in the quotation or tender documentation. Please don’t refer to any standard terms and conditions that your company uses when you submit a quotation or in response to a formal invitation to tender.

Our general conditions of purchase appear on any purchase order and apply to that order unless a prior agreement or contract has been agreed between both parties, usually through a quotation or tendering process. We do not use your company’s conditions.



Our whistleblowing procedure intends to provide a means for our contractors and employees to make serious allegations about standards, conduct, financial irregularity or possible unlawful action in a way that will ensure confidentiality and protect those making such allegations (in the reasonable belief that it’s in the public interest to do so) from being victimised, discriminated against or disadvantaged.

All of our contracts include a whistleblowing clause which links to the whistleblowing procedure and guidance for contractors.

Send us an invoice

When you provide us with goods or services, ask us for a purchase order number. This should be 10 digits long, beginning with 35.

Invoices quoting the applicable PO number need to be sent electronically by email to Alternatively you can send a paper invoice to the address below.

Hertfordshire County Council
Accounts Payable
PO Box 254
County Hall, Hertford
SG13 9BM


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