Extent of highways

Contact us if you want to enquire about the extent of highway land that is maintainable at public expense.

We will then carry out a check and prepare a digitised extent of highway plan. We also provide responses to highway questions of CON29 searches. 


Make an enquiry

Your request needs to be accompanied by a detailed plan of the area in question, along with an address or description of the land. Send your enquiry to: 

Highway Boundaries & Land Charges
Room 348
Hertfordshire County Council
County Hall
Pegs Lane
Hertford SG13 8DE

or email hcclandcharges@hertfordshire.gov.uk

We'll send you a written response which includes a coloured plan, usually at the scale of 1:1250, showing the extent of highway maintainable at public expense in the area of your enquiry.

For Common land and village green searches write to us at the above address or email commons.enquiries@hertfordshire.gov.uk 


Costs and payments

There is a fee for this service. Our charges are listed below:

Type of requestCurrent feeFee from 1 April 2025

CON29R (Questions 2.1-5, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.7e)

£23 + VAT

£25 + VAT

CON29O (Question 22)

£26 + VAT

£27 + VAT

Copy of a common land or village green register



Common land or village green standard search

£26 + VAT


£27 + VAT

Extent of highway information

£55 for a single residential property, for large areas an estimate will be provided.

 £58 for a single residential property, for large areas an estimate will be provided.

Copy of Section 38 or 278 or 106 agreement

£46 per agreement

 £47 per agreement

Payment should be made in advance, either by cheque (payable to Hertfordshire County Council), online (a link for secure payment will be provided) or as a card payment by phone.


Local land charge enquiries

Highway Boundaries & Land Charges

T: 01992 556181
E: hcclandcharges@hertfordshire.gov.uk

Common Land and village green searches

T: 01992 556103
E: commons.enquiries@hertfordshire.gov.uk 

For local land charge enquiries contact the nearest district or borough council for the area of enquiry.

Find your nearest district or borough council


Access to information

You can also request CON29 information under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. You can either request that facilities are made available to inspect the information at our offices (for which no charge is made) or request that copies are sent to you by email or in an alternative form or format for which a reasonable charge is made in accordance with the regulations.