Major roadworks projects

Long term (major) roadwork projects are large schemes of work to improve roads, pavements or traffic flow in Hertfordshire.

They often take 5 to 10 years to finish.

Costs are usually high so we write a business case to get funding from other organisations. This also shows that the planned improvements are worth the money.

Long term roadworks projects we're working on

Improving junctions and walking / cycling routes across Cheshunt

Improvements for those that cycle and walk

A new, sustainable passenger transport network. It will carry more people than a car but will be more convenient and reliable than a bus.

Every long term roadwork project goes through the same process

Step 1: Early options

We put together the different options available to make the improvements.

Step 2: Consultation

The public and other interested people can look at the different options to make the road improvements. This is your chance to tell us what you think. We can then establish a preferred option.

Step 3: Getting the funding

Once we know the agreed option, we write a business case which sets out:

  • what work is required
  • how much it will cost
  • the benefits of doing the work.

We then seek funding from other organisations such as the Department for Transport.

Step 4: Planning application

When we have the funding for the work, we put together a planning application. We also create a more detailed technical design and we identify a contractor to carry out the work.

Step 5: Public events

At this stage we arrange public meetings in the towns and villages near to where the work will take place. This is to update residents on current progress and to answer questions.

Step 6: Construction work

The actual work starts. Progress updates, delays and diversion routes will all be explained here.


Recently completed roadwork projects

  • A602 improvements (Stevenage to / from Ware)
    Completed in February 2024. We made various improvements to reduce delays and make the route safer.