Past case studies
Broxbourne Woods Restoration Project
Around 97% of Hertfordshire's heathland has been lost in the last 100 years.
Our wood wardens and practical conservation volunteers have maintained two small healthy glades in Broxbourne Woods Site of Special Scientific Interest. This project aims to secure their future and restore a significantly larger area to heathland and grass.
Over 15 years from winter 2011, we aim to gradually remove trees to create a more open, wood-pasture feel. We'll fell trees every second year and manage the resulting regrowth during the alternate years. We'll introduce a small number of British cattle to graze the developing heathland and acid grassland.
Project timeline and more information

Bentsley Spinney welcoming woodland wildlife project
Working in partnership with St. Albans City and District Council, we secured the following grants for a programme of improvements at Bentsley Spinney:
- £15,637 from the Lafarge Tarmac Landfill Communities Fund
- £1,100 from Sandridge Parish Council
- £500 from Hertfordshire County Councillor, Geoff Churchard’s locality budget.
Between June 2015 and May 2016, we delivered the action plan items outlined in years one and two of the Bentsley Spinney Greenspace Action Plan 2014 – 2019.
Project timeline and more information

Bovingdon Green Pond
Bovingdon Green Pond was in a poor state of health, shaded by dense vegetation and filled with silt and debris.
In 2010, with the help and sponsorship of a number of organisations, we started a project to rejuvenate the pond and return it to a wildlife-rich environment by:
- clearing vegetation
- dredging the pond of all silt and leaf litter
- building a footpath and steps to the pond
- installing wooden bollards along the roadside boundary
- installing two new benches.
Project timeline and more information

Broxbourne & Bencroft Woods – car park refurbishment works
We developed plans for a major refurbishment of the car parks at Broxbourne and Bencroft Woods National Nature Reserve.
The works were completed between August 2013 and February 2014 with funding from Hertfordshire County Council and the Forestry Commission.
Project timeline and information

Butt's Close Pond, Hitchin
Everything’s blooming at Butt's Close in Hitchin now it's been given a thorough makeover. The pond has been transformed from a characterless hole in the ground to a wildlife haven by:
- creating shallow edges and planting them with attractive species like water mint, marsh marigold and purple loosestrife
- installing a floating hydroponic reed bed filter to improve water quality by removing nutrients
- cutting and collecting grass around the pond annually, to allow it to grow longer
- pollarding two nearby willows to create vigorous new growth and extend their life
- reducing and reshaping the crown of a nearby weeping willow to cut down the shade and leaves that it casts on the pond
- planting new native tree and shrub beds to provide cover and food for birds.
The work was funded by North Hertfordshire District Council and the Landfill Community Fund through Groundwork Hertfordshire.
Project timeline and information

Composers Park in Harmony project
With funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund and Hertsmere Borough Council, we completed a programme of improvements in December 2014.
After receiving positive feedback from a consultation with the local community, we gave this site a much needed conservation boost by:
- installing a new interpretation panel
- hiring local artists to create a specially-designed gateway
- planting hedgerows
- creating a new pond
- thinning trees in crowded areas
- building natural play equipment.
Project rationale and project works map.
Project timeline and information

Home Wood, Cuffley
Northaw and Cuffley Parish Council approached us for advice on the care and management of this ancient, semi-natural woodland.
We helped the parish to write and review a management plan to care for Home Wood, enhance its wildlife value and promote it as an open space for quiet enjoyment.
We also helped them to apply for various grants, including the Forestry Commission's English Woodland Grant Scheme. Under this scheme, the parish claims an annual grant for path cutting, tree safety inspections and other conservation work. These grants have helped to pay for:
- boardwalks along muddy pathways, to provide year-round access for visitors
- removal of invasive sycamore to favour regeneration of native broadleaves like oak and hornbeam.
Project timeline and information

Oughtonhead Common wetland creation and restoration works
Between January 2014 and June 2015, we completed a range of wetland enhancement works on behalf of North Hertfordshire Distric Council, to restore this habitat for wildlife and improve access for visitors.
Using funding from various organisations, we:
- created a new interpretation and viewing platform
- installed an archway sculpture
- removed reeds from sections of the river
- created new ponds
- cut back scrub from ditches and removed silt from ditches.
Project timeline and information

Pix Brook watercourses project
In October 2014, we completed a project to improve the watercourses of the Pix Brook, which flows through Norton Common Local Nature Reserve in Letchworth.
The watercourses were heavily shaded with steep bank edges, channel blockages and an outdated concrete infrastructure.
We have reduced erosion and flooding, enhanced biodiversity and improved access for visitors by:
- cutting back overhanging trees
- removing concrete from the watercourse
- planting marsh marigold, iris and loosestrife
- reprofiling the bank edges and reinforcing them with gabion baskets
- creating pedestrian and vehicle bridges.
Project outline and map of project locations.
Project timeline and information

Purwell conservation project
In December 2014, we completed a £58,400 project to help North Hertfordshire District Council meet their Green Infrastructure objectives by:
- improving wetland habitats
- restoring hedgerows and damaged fencing
- reprofiling riverbanks
- installing facilities to assist birds, wildflowers and grazing animals
- improving access points and installing new signage and interpretation panels
Project rationale and project works map.
Project timeline and information

Verulamium Park access & interpretation project
Between 2013 and 2015, we worked with St Albans City and District Council to help visitors find their way around the park and learn about Verulamium’s history and wildlife. Contracted works included:
- installing distinctive black and grey fingerposts
- creating full-colour map-based information boards
- installing a number of interpretation panels across the park
- making a new leaflet for visitors.
Project timeline and information

Weston Hills project
This project was completed in August 2014.
Weston Hills in Baldock is a county wildlife site with a lovely mix of habitats, including beech woodland and chalk grassland, which is a priority biodiversity action plan habitat for the county.
We worked with Hertfordshire County Council's Rural Estate and North Herts District Council to develop and implement a 5-year management plan, aiming to restore these habitats and make improvements for visitors, including:
- creating new steps
- installing interpretation boards around the site
- building new fences
- introducing sheep and longhorn cows for grazing
- thinning and coppicing trees.
Find out more about the project:
Project timeline and information