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Hertfordshire County Council


The Historic Environment Record (HER) is a database of archaeological remains, finds, buildings, structures, historic parks and landscapes in Hertfordshire.

The database includes many un-listed buildings. It also contains records of the archaeological work undertaken in the county to fulfil planning conditions, and holds copies of the reports. The HER is updated daily.

The HER is a public resource and enquiries are welcome, however it does not have visitor facilities. Please contact the HER team so that an individual response can be made. This is free to members of the public and students. Schools can also use it to help with areas of the National Curriculum.

A charge is made to commercial users.

See our charging policy and HER request check list for the provision of archaeological information and advice.

Basic HER records can be searched via Heritage Gateway, but for the full records and information on relevant archaeological work and historic landscape characterisation, contact the HER direct. The Heritage Gateway is not suitable for commercial users.

The HER can give information about local archaeology and places of interest. A number of sites in Hertfordshire are managed by external organisations such as English Heritage and the National Trust. The Roman city of Verulamium at St Albans is managed by St Albans Museums.

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