The Integrated Plan brings together the financial impact of service plans and the available funding to resource these over the next 4 years.
It also includes a review of the level of reserves and contingency, as well as information concerning the Capital Programme and the Treasury Management Strategy.
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An overview of the proposed revenue budget and capital programme.
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Departmental Budget Position Statements have been produced, which set out the key pressures, challenges and savings for each department.
The Capital Strategy sets out how we will use our resources (capital grants and contributions, revenue including reserves, surplus assets, and capacity to borrow) to invest in capital and other schemes.
This part sets out the Treasury Management Strategy, Borrowing Strategy, and Treasury Management indicators that will be set and monitored throughout 2025-26.
This part sets out our overall approach to risk retention and the management of our corporate insurance programme.
The Integrated Plan includes information on our commitment to equality and potential equality implications.
This report sets out the approach to consider the cumulative equality impact of Hertfordshire’s transformation programme that forms part of the 2025-26 Integrated Planning proposals.
Reports to Cabinet and County Council meetings where the Integrated Plan proposals have been, or will be, considered: