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Hertfordshire County Council

Aiming for Excellence

For each and every child

What is Aiming for Excellence?

We all want to achieve the very best for all children and to improve the outcomes for each and every child in Hertfordshire. Colleagues in schools, parents and carers, and the communities that they live in, together with Council Officers and Elected Members are all ambitious to make Hertfordshire a County of Opportunity for all children. 

Schools are working very hard with compassion and care to help children and young people experiencing distress in school and support parents and carers. 

By working together, sharing good practice and creative ideas, we can: 

  • improve educational outcomes for each and every child. 
  • create learning communities that embrace inclusive, solution-focused and innovative practice. 
  • ensure that everyone in the school community places the child at the centre of everything we do. 
  • enable each and every child to thrive in their local community. 
  • include students, staff and parents and carers in the journey. 

Why do we need Aiming for Excellence and why now?

Aiming for Excellence is a collaboration between School Leaders and Children’s Services  to improve outcomes for all children and overcome the difficulties caused by the disruption to education and learning from the pandemic.

How will Aiming for Excellence be delivered?

  • Commitment to and investment in high quality affordable professional learning for the entire school staff throughout the academic years 2023-24/25 to develop a trauma-aware workforce who understand and use relational practice to improve outcomes for children and young people. 
  • Regular reports of high-quality data and research evidence shared and used intelligently to strengthen ambition and inform about what works to schools and in the delivery of Children’s Services 
  • Building on existing Hertfordshire communities of learning that share practice within and across schools in the summer term 2023 and beyond.
  • A comprehensive and regular communication strategy to engage the support of parents and carers, children and young people, teachers and local authority officers, Trustees and School Governors

Find out more about Aiming for Excellence in our full strategy document:

Information for School Governors and Trustees

As Governors we know that schools and students are in challenging times.  Referrals for SEND are at an all time high, children and young people are telling us that their mental health is poor, school attendance is a concern and has reduced, that the outcomes for children, particularly for the most vulnerable to education disadvantage, have fallen and the attainment gap has widened, eradicating much of the hard-won gains made pre-pandemic.

What can School Governors do to help?

In Hertfordshire we acknowledge that our systems need review. We know that colleagues working in schools, parents and caregivers, local communities, council officers and elected members and school governors are ambitious for each and every child in the county.

  • Our mission is to reflect, rethink and reset the system for all children and young people, driving the change needed through a Head Teacher and Local Authority Collaborative that has already identified actions to make to make a substantial change to the way pupils and staff in school experience the process of education. Clear promotion of the vision and why now is the right time for change by delivering a presentation of the core principles at every possible educational meeting in the summer term 2023.
  • Commitment to and investment in high quality affordable professional learning for the entire school staff throughout the academic years 2023-24/25 to develop a trauma-aware workforce who understand and use relational practice to improve outcomes for children and young people.
  • Regular reports of high-quality data and research evidence shared and used intelligently to strengthen ambition and inform about what works to schools and in the delivery of Children’s Services
  • Building on existing Hertfordshire communities of learning that share practice within and across schools in the summer term 2023 and beyond.
  • A comprehensive and regular communication strategy to engage the support of parents and carers, children and young people, teachers and local authority officers, Trustees and School Governors.        

As a Governor or Trustee you can:

  1. Give commitment to and investment in high quality affordable professional learning for the entire school staff throughout the academic years 2023-24/25 to develop a trauma-aware workforce who understand and use relational practice to improve outcomes for children and young people.  You and your colleagues on the Governing or Trustee Board can then Reflect on the culture of you school and what could or should be altered.
  2. Encourage and enable your school staff to participate in the Learning Offer.  The online training made available by the ‘When the Adults Change’ is affordable and effective at £37.50 per license.  A small Primary school for example will need only to invest in 2 licenses.
  3. Discuss the Behaviour Policy Checklist from the Kinder by Design portfolio available to School Governors on the Virtual School website at a full Governors meeting. With your school senior leaders, Rethink the Behavior policy so that it fits on one side of A4 and that it also fits your vision for your school.
  4. Collaborate with other local schools and settings to share what works and to learn from each other to help Reset the day-to-day experience in school for both children and young people and the whole staff team.

You will find out more information in the following ways:

  1. The Autumn Chairs bulletin/Chairs portal in September
  2. A training course for all Governors delivered by Marcus Cooper and Felicity Evans booked through HfL Governance Training:

    Improving outcomes for Each and Every Child (Via MS Teams)
  • Autumn Term date still TBC
  • Tues 27 February 2024, 7-9pm
  • Tues 11 June 2024, 7-9pm

    3. Regular articles in The Hertfordshire Governor.

    4. Reminder information in the ‘What You Need to Know’ section at the Chairs Briefing.

    5. A live presentation on the progress of the Aiming for Excellence strategy for each and every child at the Chairs Briefing on 5 March 2024. 

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Aiming for Excellence: Learning Offer 2023 - 24

We are launching a strong professional learning offer for 2023 - 24. The following courses have been specifically designed for schools in Hertfordshire:

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Behaviour Change online course: “When the adults change”

When: To be completed in your own time

How: Online – over 65 bite size lessons delivered in video, audio and text form.

Cost: £37.50 for 1 licence (against the usual cost of £65). Recommended: 2 licenses for a small school, 6 for a medium school and 12 for a large school.

There are free resources available on the website that will help with the roll out of the course and provide support to the ongoing development of relational practice.

The lessons are split into:

  • What to say
  • What to do
  • How to be

We have worked with the 'When the Adults Change' team to develop a unique Hertfordshire microsite and bespoke version of Paul Dix's Online Behaviour Change course. The modules provide inclusive, relational and highly practical approaches to how the adults who support children can change their approach to behaviour challenges.

Paul Dix and his team can do follow up training and coaching work with individual schools which would be designed with them to reflect their context and meet their needs.

Further information and to order licences are available from

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Behaviour Leadership Programme: Behaviour solutions

When: 4 seminars across 3 academic terms starting January 2024.

Who: Headteacher/Principal/CEO and another member of the Senior Leadership Team with responsibility for Behaviour.

HFL Education’s ‘Behaviour Leadership Programme: Behaviour Solutions’ is designed to support settings to further enhance their behaviour practices.  By drawing on expert research and practitioners, we will explore how changes in behavioural approaches can better support the needs of the whole school and wider communities. The needs and challenges of each of our settings is different and this programme is designed to meet you where you are on your journey to improving behaviour in your setting.

Each seminar includes a keynote speaker focussing on different aspects of behavioural approaches and strategies.

1.    Navigate: your own journey: Course introduction, behaviour approaches and commonalities.

2.    Connect: linking systems: Flexible consistency and robust policy.

3.    Praxis: making it work: Curriculum for behaviour and relational repair.

4.    Culture: creating legacy: Brave leadership and sustainable practice.

Throughout the programme, delegates will:

  • Share and discuss readings and research about great behavioural and relational practice.
  • Work with other participating schools to share good practice and learn from each other.
  • Write a learning journal of developing and enhancing behaviour leadership and practice over the year, which will be made available to all Hertfordshire schools.

Programme Aims:

  • Learn from well-respected speakers and explore a range of strategies to adopt or adapt to improve behaviour outcomes in schools.
  • Increase understanding of providing inclusive behaviour approaches that will support all pupils, including those with diverse learning difficulties and trauma.
  • Enhance the whole school approach to effectively support and navigate unproductive behaviour.
  • Improve school leadership of behaviour policy and processes within a school, including addressing staff training and support needs.
  • Increase coherence among schools in Herts around the understanding and implementation of ‘relational behaviour strategies’

Hertfordshire Schools are invited to apply for a place on this 3-term programme.

Contact: Sarah-Jane Ferguson -

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Herts for Learning Education

HFL Education have a range of learning offers to promote inclusion and relational practice. HFL Education will communicate this to schools through their communication channels.

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Recommended resources

These are national resources which we highly recommend as they fit with the Aiming for Excellence ethos, and may suit the needs of your school.

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Inclusive Leadership Course: The Difference

When: 6 full days of learning spread across the year

The course is successfully supporting leaders to address the key areas of current focus for Ofsted - SEND, exclusion and student personal development - and deliver improved outcomes for vulnerable and disadvantaged students. It focuses on 6 areas of relational practice. These practices are strongly interrelated and they encourage leaders to develop practice which is most meaningful to their own school. They introduce 3 key frameworks across the course to support strategic leadership of inclusion. These frameworks support leaders to connect their priority outcomes to the real, daily interactions which drive them, and the whole school professional development needed to improve them.

The course is founded on 3 core principles:

  1. All children have learning, wellbeing and safeguarding needs and every member of staff has a role to play recognising and responding to them.
  2. Relationships are integral to learning - because we can’t learn if we don’t feel safe. All staff need the skills to initiate, grow and repair relationships with children and adults.
  3. Impactful whole-school inclusion requires expert school leadership of practice and systems: built into and not bolted onto the school.


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DrawbridgeCommunity building and empowering schools with their communities

When: 2 year programme

Drawbridge believes in the fundamental role schools can play in discovering, engaging and building meaningful relationships within their local communities. We believe that the knowledge, expertise and resources (assets) to meaningful school improvement already exists in local communities. Drawbridge facilitates the discovery, mobilisation and sustainment of assets in the local community to improve outcomes for all children, by:

  • working alongside schools to community build within their schools and their local area, 
  • engaging with students, staff and families 
  • meeting with local community members and statutory/voluntary organisations
  • facilitating school and community engagement events to discover and mobilise assets

Working alongside schools over 2 years and using an Asset-Based Community Development approach, Drawbridge will:

  • map and build partnerships with the local community, facilitating and developing a community partners strategy so that collaboration between schools, local organisations and the community is improved
  • support school leaders and their staff's professional development that supports staff, students and families to build meaningful relationships that are asset-based so that students feel included and empowered to be more resilient, healthy, safe and active in their communities/schools.
  • work with school leaders and subject/curriculum leads to develop the school curriculum so it better integrates academic knowledge with local knowledge and wider social, environmental, and political concerns.
  • work alongside the senior leadership team so that the school workforce better reflects their local community

Express your interest by filling out this form about Drawbridge.

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Education Leadership Network - The PiXL Club

When: Annual membership plan

How:  PiXL primary offer for 2023-24

PiXL secondary offer 2023-24

Cost: Primary schools: £2000 + VAT for under 125 pupils, £2700 + VAT for over 125 pupils. Secondary schools: £3375 + VAT, £6175 + VAT for secondary and post 16 combined.

Who: All school membership

A number of Hertfordshire schools are members of PiXL. PiXL are offering to build on their knowledge and existing work in Hertfordshire schools by complementing the Learning Offer with support for collaboration between schools to share the learning. 

Their programme for 2023-24 has the theme - It’s time to think.

Join a leadership network of 2500 schools and 40,000 leaders who want to make a difference to the life chances and outcomes of young people. Providing leadership growth, networking, events and evidence informed strategies and resources, we save you time and enable you to think about the things that matter. With our leadership approaches, associate model and national conferences, we provide opportunities for you to step back and be strategic.

Next year, across all sectors, we will be speaking up about SEND, how we can help those in receipt of pupil premium funding, boy’s achievement, resilience and inclusion. Using a range of experts from education and the world of business we will be equipping you on the latest thinking and providing you with practical solutions and resource. Wave goodbye to doing it alone, be part of something special.

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Promoting Equity in Education - by Mel Ainscow for Future Schooling 

These research-based professional development materials focus on the greatest challenge facing education systems around the world, that of finding ways of ensuring the progress of all children in all schools.

The materials consist of six units. Each of these has a 15-minute video presentation that can be used individually, or in combination, to stimulate reflection, debate and experimentation. The units also have short, written think-pieces that summarise relevant research and make suggestions for further reading.  

  • Unit 1 - Concepts and frameworks
  • Unit 2 - Developing inclusive classroom practices
  • Unit 3 - Towards schools for all
  • Unit 4 - School to school cooperation
  • Unit 5 - Working with the community
  • Unit 6 - System level change

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