Advice if you're paying for your own care
You'll have to pay the full costs towards your care if you have money or property over £23,250.
Whilst we can't pay towards your care, we can still help you to find the care you need.
Having a social care assessment
Everyone has the right to a social care assessment from us provided free of charge.
During the assessment, a social care worker will chat with you and ask you some questions about your day-to-day life to work out what you need.
If we can’t pay for your care, we can still help by telling you about:
You’ll need to let us know 4 months in advance of your savings dropping under £23,250 so that we can review your situation.
If you've already arranged care yourself and then ask for an assessment when your situation changes, we may not be able to continue the same level of care. We'll assess your needs against our own criteria.
If you’re an unpaid carer, you can also ask us for a carers assessment.
Find out if you can get NHS funded care
On some occasions, the NHS arrange and pay for 'continuing healthcare' which is free care outside of hospital.
You'll need to be assessed by the NHS as having a 'primary care need'.
Find out more about continuing healthcare on NHS.
Get independent financial advice
Financial advice may help you make informed decisions about how to meet the cost of your care.
You can call our free advice service, HertsHelp:

0300 123 4044
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9am – 5pm
Wednesday, 9am – 7pm
Saturday and Sunday, 10am – 4pm.
If you need more in depth financial advice, you may need a financial adviser who can help you look at your options.
The Society of Later Life Advisers can help you to find an adviser near you. Financial advisers will charge a fee.