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Hertfordshire County Council

The Purple Folder is a record of health information about you. It helps doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other health professionals to give you the healthcare and treatment that is best for you.



How to get a Purple Folder

Contact us to request a Purple Folder.

We will give you one if you:

  • are aged 18 or over
  • have a learning disability
  • live in Hertfordshire.

We think it is a good idea for you to have a Purple Folder, but it is your choice. You do not have to have one.

If you are under 18, you can download and fill in the My Health Information document available at the SEND website instead.



How to fill in your Purple Folder

We will give you the folder and dividers, but you will need to fill in and print the pages to go in your Purple Folder.

You can ask people who support you to help you fill it in. Someone who knows you well, like your family, friends or carers. You can contact us for help, too.

It is very important that the information in your Purple Folder is correct and up to date.


Pages to print and put in your Purple Folder

Main pages

The capacity to consent to Purple Folder data (PDF 235kb) - Fill out and print to sign and go in the sleeve inside the front cover.

The core pages (PDF 733kb)  -  Fill out and print, to go in 'Section 1 – Vital Information'.

Annual health check record (PDF 211kb) – Fill out the first row, print and put in 'Section 2 - Annual Health Checks'.

Stay healthy at home checklist – Print and tick the relevant check boxes, complete those health actions. Store this in 'Section 2 - Annual Health Checks' in the plastic sleeve. 

Health appointment record (PDF 187kb) – Print this blank and add to 'Section 3 - Health appointment Record'.

Extra pages

Print and store blank ones, ready to use when you need them.

Additional health condition (PDF 225kb) - Fill out with the health professionals or print and ask them to fill it out by hand and store in Section 4 – Overview of current conditions and interventions'.

Health plan after appointment (PDF 230kb) – Print some blank copies to store in 'Section 4 – Overview of current conditions and interventions'.

Reluctance with bloods and injections (PDF 250kb)  – If this is relevant, fill it out, print and store in 'Section 4 – Overview of current conditions and interventions'.

Dementia checklist for carers (PDF 162kb) – print and use if relevant, and store in 'Section 4 – Overview of current conditions and interventions'.

Checking capacity for health interventions support (PDF 246kb) – Print some blank copies ready for use and  store in 'Section 6 - Additional useful Blank forms'.

Checklist for appointments (PDF 201kb) – Print some blank copies ready for use and  store in 'Section 6 - Additional useful Blank forms'.

Handover agreement (PDF 220kb) - Print some blank copies ready for use and  store in 'Section 6 - Additional useful Blank forms'.


When to use your Purple Folder

When you have an appointment with a health professional, show them your Purple Folder. They will complete the Health Appointment Record in section 3 of your Purple Folder. This is a record of what you have agreed to in the appointment.

If you need to stay in a hospital, show the doctors, nurses, and x-ray staff your Purple Folder.

This will help health professionals understand more about you and the help you need.



The Purple Card

If you are someone who goes out and about on your own, without support, we will offer you a Purple Card.

This has some basic information about you, your health and how health professionals can help you.


Contact us

For Purple Folder or Purple Card enquiries, call us (the Health Liaison Team) on 01438 843848 or email

We are open Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm.

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