Learning disabilities and health - Information for professionals

LD Professionals

If you have a learning disability or support someone who has a learning disability then
click here for help with your health.

This page is for health professionals and provides links and information on how you can access resource specific to Hertfordshire and the Hertfordshire learning disability community nurses support. The resources are available to help you, as health professionals, bridge the health inequality gaps faced by people with a learning disability as well as providing information on how you can apply and strive to become recognised as a health service of excellence for people with learning disabilities, through the Purple Star Strategy.

See how our experts with learning disabilities support our work

Purple Star strategy 

What is Purple Star accreditation

The Purple Star accreditation is given to GP practices in Herts that demonstrate a commitment to bridging the health inequalities gap faced by people with a learning disability and taking steps to enabling equitable health outcomes. They are supported, enabled and monitored in achieving and maintaining the standard. 

There is now also Purple Principles Recognition that is available for all Other Health Care Providers and this enables them to learn and reflect on their current practice and make pledges to adapt practice to bridge health inequality gaps faced by people with a learning disability and take steps to enable equitable health outcomes within their service. 


Why Should Our Service Apply for Purple Accreditation or Recognition? 

All Health providers have a legal requirement to make reasonable adjustments and overcome the barriers faced by their patients with a learning disability. The Purple Star Team are Learning Disability Nurses and therefore have the expertise to simply support you in achieving this legal requirement and recognise your good practice.


How Can Our GP Practice Get a Purple Star? 


How Can Our Health Service [Non GP Practice] Get Purple Pledge of Principles Recognition ? 


If you would like to talk to us then please get in touch:

Resources for working with adults with LD

Key Health Issues

Here is a list of some of the more common learning disability conditions and the comorbidities / common health conditions that are associated with these.


Good communication is key in reducing health inequalities for people with learning disabilities. Remember that most of the communication received is non verbal, so if you apprehensive in your communication, this could impact their ability to accept investigations and treatment from you. Here is a 10 Tips for Communication with adults with LD.

Here is a video we have created to help understand how you can communicate more effectively with your patients with a learning disability.

Patients who present a risk to services

Some people struggle to understand the importance of health interventions and may show their fear, refusal, distress through behaviours that put themselves and others at risk of harm.

It is important to pre-empt this and work with those that support the person to create a protocol that reduces / eliminates those risks to your team and others within the practice but also ensures the person is able to have their health needs met.

 Please use this template protocol and work with those supporting the person to collaborate on this. If you need support please do liaise with the community learning disability nurses to help create this protocol.

The new Purple folder 2023 version

This is Hertfordshire’s health passport.

The Purple Folder has been reviewed by health professionals across Hertfordshire and rewritten. The new Version aims to provide health professionals essential information regarding recent medical appointments, to enable the practitioner to build a health picture and will give details of reasonable adjustments required, the person’s baseline communication, appearance and behaviour in order to establish changes and reduce diagnostic overshadowing.

Short training video for health professionals on using the new Purple folder

If a patient does not have the New Version please notify purplefolder@hertfordshire.gov.uk

Annual Health Check Collaboration


 The Annual Health Check [AHC] aims to reduce delayed diagnostics through a top to toe annual check.  The expectation  is to reach 75% of your learning disability patients but Nationally there is a push to reach your Hard to Reach patients who probably form the remaining 25% who frequently don’t attend. Our support aims to help your practice to deliver quality AHCs and also help reach your hard to reach patients.


Hard To Reach – When your practice has tried all means of communication and patients remain hard to engage with you can link with the LD Hard to Reach Nurse for support to overcome the barriers for those patients. Email healthequalitynursing@hertfordshire.gov.uk

 Decliners – All decliners should also have evidence recorded that they had capacity to make this decision (and it wasn’t the decision of the people who support them.) You can use the Annual Health Check Decision to Decline form to help with this. Here is an example of a completed Annual Health Check Decision to Decline form.  If it was not the patients decision a clinical best interest decision is needed. We can support someone in the practice with this. Email  healthequalitynursing@hertfordshire.gov.uk

The Collaborative approach (PDF 100KB) – Quality AHCs are based on a good collaborative approach between patient, surgery, those that support the person and all the additional LD nursing tools and services we offer.

The Annual Health Check

Top Tips Checklist for Quality AHC We appreciate that some practices use other clinicians to carry out some aspects of the AHC. All AHCs must be signed off by a clinician and the essential components such as the Physical examination must be carried out by qualified clinicians. To help other clinicians deliver a quality AHC we have collaborated with the ICB Learning Disability Lead GPs to create this Top Tips List of key areas of health that are know areas of delays in diagnosis for people with learning disabilities.

The Annual Health Check Preparation Form  (DOCX 2.07MB) and the Under 18s prep form (PDF 607KB) is a way of gathering the key information prior to the face to face appointment. You may want to use this for everyone so you can pre plan the face to face and triage the key areas for discussion. You may want to just use for people who struggle with lengthy face to face appointments as a reasonable adjustment to enable you to plan and reduce the face to face appointment and still be able to identify any health changes requiring action without putting the person through the anxiety of a lengthy appointment.

Easy-read AHC Checklist (PDF 638KB) This tool is a way of ensuring the person is as involved as possible with their own health. Everyone to some degree will be aware of changes, this can help them engage to their best ability.

Health Check Action Plan

The action plan is a requirement at the end of the AHC – this should be printed [coded to show it has been done] and put in the Persons Purple Folder – make sure each action has a clear timeframe and responsible person

Stay Healthy at Home Checklist (PDF 980KB)  and under 24s stay healthy at home checklist (PDF 699KB) This is a tool that can be printed and given to everyone as part of their Health Check Action Plan. The aim is to help people and those that support them to be more health aware all year around and learn how to spot early signs of health changes.  

Minimum standard information for your practice (PDF 172KB) it is recommended that the Stay healthy at home checklist  is given as a Minimum standard.


Accessible information Standard [2016] requirements. We have created a grid (XLSX 16KB) for the learning Disability communication lead person at the surgery to use to collate the knowledge of how to reach these patients and key communication information. This is just something that may be helpful to help reduce the risk of core information known by one key person being lost if they left. It also helps meet the requirements of the accessible information standard as it is a requirement to have this information  flagged on your systems to ensure all clinicians can equally offer the same communication approach and reasonable adjustments to reduce avoidable delays in diagnosis and treatment. We can support with this.


Any help needed – contact us PurpleStarStrategy@hertfordshire.gov.uk We are always looking to improve the process and our support  please can you fill in our feedback form


Other useful Links and Tools

template easyread letter (DOCX 978KB)  you can adapt and use to invite people for their annual health check.

Sharing your preferred communication information and Reasonable adjustments (DOCX 2MB) can be used to gather patients Accessible Information Standard and Reasonable adjustment Required information

Annual Health Check Poster for surgeries (DOCX 1.17MB)

background grid of communication and reasonable adjustment needs.

annual health check using a preparation form. Training video

Check it out! - YouTube - video omfor patients with an LD checking your body and what to do if you notice any changes. 





Reluctance for Blood Tests or Health Investigations

Many people with a learning disability struggle to tolerate blood tests or in practice health investigations and this leads to delays in diagnosis and treatment.

It is essential that mental capacity to understand the risks of not having the blood tests / investigation is checked and then the requesting clinician needs to consider what level of restriction would be needed to attain the bloods / investigation  and whether the risk of not having the bloods/ investigation  outweighs the risk of these restrictions that would be needed.

We have created a pathway and form for Blood tests (DOC, 88KB) 

And a pathway and Form for practice level investigations and treatment (DOC, 99KB)

The Community Learning Disability Nurses under ACS can receive Step Up referrals for support with this 

Flu Vaccine

All people on your learning disability register should be offered the flu vaccine. If the injection is refused by the patient, nasal spray should be given off licence. Display the Get your free flu jab poster in your surgery.

You can invite your patients to have the jab with this easy read flu invitation (PPT 568KB), but check their preferred communication method and make reasonable adjustments.

Share these resources with your learning disability registered patients:

People with a learning disability are also entitled to the pneumococcal vaccine. You could send this easy read and information to the patients on your learning disability register: Easy read guide to the pneumococcal vaccine



Reducing the overuse of psychotropic medication in people with Learning Disabilities is a National target.

As GPs it is very challenging to be able to fully assess the potential lifestyle factor risks of reductions. Family and carers will often be reluctant for mediocation changes for fear of ‘rocking the boat.’ The STOMP nurse carries out a full risk assessment and works with the person, family and carers to assess the risks and support needed if a reduction is considered clinically in their best interest.

The STOMP nurse will also support with these home life risk assessments before commencing reductions where psychiatry recommend reductions 

Here is a quick flow chart of how the STOMP nurse will work to support a comprehensive medication review with risk and benefit analysis.

Here’s a detailed summary of the process.

You can refer to Stomp@hertfordshire.gov.uk


Breast health

Contact the Health Equality Nurse to support anyone on the LD register who has missed or refused / declined a breast screening



Bowel health




Cervical screening

We have created tools and a pathway to cervical screening for your practice nurses.

Heres is the Cervical Screening Decision Process Tool (DOCX 67.9kb)

Here’s the Cervical Screening Decision Pathway to go with the Tool.

There are links within this to all our tools.

We delivered a webinar via the ICB so please do access this if you have an NHS email address Cervical Screening Decision Pathway Tool for People with Learning Disabilities

In addition here is a template easyread invitation letter (PPT 1.52mb)

We also have a signs and symptoms guide to reduce risk of avoidable delays in diagnosing cervical cancer for people who will not be screened after the pathway is followed

Contact the Health Equality Nurse to support anyone on the LD register who has missed or refused / declined a cervical screening


Testicle checks

People with learning disabilities have an increased risk of death in testicular cancer. This is considered to be attributed to delayed diagnostics – Everyone to some degree can keep a check for changes to your testicles – ww.hertfordshire.gov.uk/LDballscheck

Please share this information

Weight monitoring

Monitoring weight is key to identifying health changes the person may not be able to explain. Also, obesity and Weight management is an identified area of health needs for people with a learning disability

There are tools to support weight monitoring, wheelchair scales and weight management available



People with a learning disability are at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, managing this condition can be complex for someone with a learning disability.

Here are some resources collated by diabetes UK to support your practice and improve care for people with diabetes and a learning disability:

Improving care for people with diabetes and a learning disability | Diabetes UK

The service has created two videos to support understanding for people with a learning disability about type 2 diabetes:

Graham’s experience – https://youtu.be/-kJ4u0PYCl4


LD Nursing service information video - https://youtu.be/QRLOiMPA2ds


DNACPRs and ReSPECT documents are scrutinised by the LEDER mortality review to ensure that there is no reference to a persons learning disability in relation to them not being suitable for resuscitation.

Remember that next of kin and carers CANNOT give permission or refuse permission for a DNACPR – this is a clinical decision.

This Guide will help regarding how to use carer and family to support with DNACPR when a person doesn’t have capacity to be informed of your clinical decision.

This guide gives some examples of wording for ReSPECT tools when completing for someone with a learning disability.

We have some easyread information on DNACPR under Help with your health.

Behaviour related support

Changes in Mood and behaviour (PDF 270KB) Opening in a new window – a checklist for health professionals and carers to consider causes of behaviour changes and rule out physical health causes.

LeDeR – Learning from Lives and Deaths

LeDeR is a national service improvement programme looking at the lives and deaths of people with a learning disability and autistic people. The programme aims to improve care, reduce health inequalities and prevent premature mortality. Every death needs to be reported  Report the death of someone with a learning disability or an autistic person (leder.nhs.uk)

LeDeR reviews will look at how Health and care professionals have enabled equitable health outcomes and taken steps to reduce the risk of avoidable deaths through  reasonable adjustments , accessible information, annual health checks and medication reviews of people with a learning disability, autism or both (STOMP)  happen and health action plans are acted upon. 

GP practices will be notified of any lessons from LeDeR reviews  so they can take the learning from reviews and making the improvements in their services for people with a learning disability and autistic people that have been identified.

Under 18's

We have been working with the preparing for adulthood workstream and have created a preparing for a healthy adulthood guide and videos  for parents and carers of children with a learning disability or learning difficulties, to help enable their child to be health aware and tolerant of investigations.

Please do share the link to this guide, on the SEND local offer, with all your under 18s: www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/preparingforadulthealth.

Opening in a new window.

Learning Disability Nurses

The Learning Disability Nurses offer a variety of services as well as acting as Link nurses for each GP surgery.

G.P Practice Referral: Community Learning Disability Nursing Support Request  (PDF 164KB)Opening in a new window 

Please send this back to the relevant team below

Please note - Emails between hertfordshire.gov.uk and any of the below NHS email addresses are secure to send:

  • @anything.nhs.net
  • @anything.nhs.uk
  • @nhs.net
  • @nhs.uk.



01438 843400


01442 454444
AP2109 Apsley Campus,
Brindley Way, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP3 9BF

East Herts

01438 843111
SFAR006 Farnham House,
Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 2FQ


01442 454242
AP2108 Apsley Campus,
Brindley Way, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP3 9BF

St Albans

01442 454300
AP2110 Apsley Campus,
Brindley Way, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP3 9BF

North Herts

01438 845529
SFAR005 Farnham House,
Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 2FQ


01438 845629
SFAR005 Farnham House,
Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 2FQ


01442 454343
AP2111 Apsley Campus,
Brindley Way, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP3 9BF

Three Rivers

01442 454559
AP2111 Apsley Campus,
Brindley Way, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP3 9BF

Welwyn and Hatfield

01438 843600
SFAR006 Farnham House,
Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 2FQ

Health Liaison Team 

Acute Liaison Nurses – for Hospital Support - healthliaisonteam.referrals@hertfordshire.gov.uk 01438 845372

For STOMP, Cancer Screening or Hard to Reach Patients - healthequalitynursing@hertfordshire.gov.uk

Health Improvement and Prevention Team (HIP LD) – HIPLD.Team@hertfordshire.gov.uk

Epilepsy – Epilepsy.Referrals@hertfordshire.gov.uk  01442 453017

Frailty – healthliaisonteam.referrals@hertfordshire.gov.uk

For Learning Disability support for people ages 18-25, contact The 0-25 Together team: 0-25.ldnursing@hertfordshire.gov.uk
01438 844660
This is a countywide service.

For Purple Star Strategy PurpleStarStrategy@hertfordshire.gov.uk 01438 844681