Our fire and rescue service is for everyone. We'd like children, young people and their families to get involved.
See our 4 programmes for younger people. These are a great way of building confidence and developing skills.
LiFE - Local Intervention Fire Education
What is LiFE?
A 4 day course delivered by firefighters. Based on the role of a firefighter, you'll get the chance to take part in practical activities like hose running, ladder climbing and incident scenarios.
What you'll get out of it
You'll learn to:
- work with others
- see the consequences of anti-social behaviour and fire setting
- build confidence and self-esteem
- improve your communication skills.
Who is the course aimed at?
Young people aged 13-16 who have:
- offended or are at risk of offending
- been involved in anti-social behaviour or fire setting
- poor school attendance and behaviour
- low confidence and self-esteem.
How can I refer a young person?
Referrals to this course can only be made by those working with children and young people, such as the police or a school or agency working with young people and families.
To be eligible candidates must:
- be aged 13-16
- be referred by an agency or partner that is registered with the Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service
- have the consent of a parent or guardian
- not have previously completed a LiFE or Cadets course
See full details of LiFE entry criteria.
Fire Cadets
What is Fire Cadets?
A course offering the chance to work alongside firefighters and community protection volunteers. It provides fun and challenging opportunities for young people to reach their full potential contributing to safer, stronger and healthier communities.
What you'll get out of it
- transferable skills that can be used for further education or employment
- enhanced citizenship skills, helping young people to better contribute to their community
- increased self-confidence
- positive peer relationships
- awareness of fire and road safety amongst peer groups, family and the community.
Who is it for?
Any young person aged 14-17 can apply to join Fire Cadets.
When and where are courses held?
Courses are held weekly during term time only, from 6.30pm-8.30pm on:
Fire Setter Intervention
What is Fire Setter Intervention?
A scheme working with children and young people up to the age of 18 who have:
- demonstrated an unsafe fascination with fire
- been involved in fire related anti-social behaviour or crime.
Our trained advisors work with individuals to understand their interest in fire, with a view to stopping any fire setting behaviour.
Where does training take place?
Training takes place at the young person's home address where appropriate.
The King’s Trust Team Programme (formally The Prince’s Trust)
What is it?
A 12 week personal development course that helps unemployed 16-25 year olds develop skills and experience.
What you'll get out of it
- interview and presentation skills
- help with CV writing
- help with gaining work experience placements and references
- confidence and motivation to find work or go on to further education or training.
Who is it for?
Unemployed 16-25 year olds.
Where are the programmes held?
Find out more about The King’s Trust.

www.StayWise.co.uk is a free learning platform aimed at pupils aged 3 -18 years old.
The site offers free lesson plans, videos, and activity sheets to teach young people about potentially lifesaving advice within core curriculum subjects.
For parents, there are plenty of useful resources for home-schooling during the pandemic.
Teachers can also set work from the site as part of a remote learning plan for parents and carers to follow.