Mothers’ reasons for not breastfeeding are complex and varied. Women stop breastfeeding before they would like to stop, saying they feel unsupported to do so or that they feel uncomfortable breastfeeding in public.
Statistics from polls
- 85% of adults are not bothered by seeing a woman breastfeeding, but 63% of breastfeeding women report that they have been on the receiving end of unsupportive comments or behaviour while breastfeeding in a public place.
- Half of new mothers report that they never attempted to breastfeed in public for the first few weeks of their babies’ lives.
- Only 39% of breastfeeding women have fed their baby in public by the time their child is 4-6 months old, compared to 67% of bottle-feeding women.
Views of mothers
In a recent survey this is what mothers told us affect them:
- Not being able to find a comfortable chair – it is difficult to feed at benches that are close to tables as there is not enough room
- Lack of somewhere to sit down or, if outside, no sheltered seating that is not facing onto a main road/path (i.e. lack of minimal privacy)
- Unsuitable environment e.g dirty, too cold, too exposed to sun
- Lack of changing facilities
- People making comments
- Struggling to latch baby because of uncomfortable environment
- Busy, male dominated staff; no where discreet enough, cleanliness
- Music too loud or lights too bright.
- The looks people give you when you breastfeed in public: restaurants, park, in a cafe, it made me feel awful and I felt I was doing something wrong.