If you require a coil/implant speak to your GP or contact Sexual Health Hertfordshire.
Some Pharmacies offer free emergency contraception to females living in Hertfordshire. You can also go into most high street pharmacies and buy it over the counter.
Some pharmacies offer the contraceptive pill for free without you needing to see a doctor or nurse for a prescription.
FREE emergency contraception is available to over 16s who live in Hertfordshire.
There are many different types of contraception. Find one that suits you, so you can prevent unplanned pregnancies and plan for the future.
Contraception choices
- compare the pros and cons of each contraception option
- get the facts about period, hormone or infertility concerns
- advice for when you're planning to have a baby.
Types of emergency contraception
Information from the NHS about the options available and when to use them.
Find free condoms on our interactive map.
You can also order free condoms online from Get It.
Condoms are the only contraception that protect against pregnancy, STIs and HIV. Used correctly, they're 98% effective. NHS condom guide.