Washable absorbent underwear

(Credit: FLUX Undies)
Simply underwear with an absorbent leak-proof liner. They come in all shapes, styles, sizes and absorbencies for both men and women, and can offer you peace of mind when out and about. At the end of the day just rinse with cold water, pop into your washing machine and then hang out to dry.
Women’s products are available from all confident continence brands
Men’s products can be found on Cheeky Wipes for Men.
Washable pads

(Credit: Cheekywipes)
A shaped absorbent pad with wings that popper around your pants. Spare pads fold up discreetly and used pads can be stored in a small stylish wet bag. There are lots of sizes and absorbencies to suit your needs, whether for day or night-time use.
To clean, rinse with cold water after use, then pop into the washing machine with your next wash.
Washable undies for kids

(Credit: Cheekywipes)
If your child is transitioning to 'big kid pants' or dealing with mild incontinence, there's a variety of options available, including underwear for teenagers.
You'll find these products on the Cheekywipes for Kids webpage.