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Hertfordshire County Council

When a child is returning to school after a period of missing education (not being registered at a school/setting) we recognise this can be a challenging time for both the parents and the child/young person. If deemed necessary, the child can be allocated a Reintegration Officer to support their re-engagement with learning as well as support the school in their readiness to welcome the child/young person.

Remit of the Reintegration Team

  • Work with children/young people returning to school after a period of being deemed a Child Missing Education (CME)*,
  • Work with children/young people returning to school after a period of being Electively Home Education (EHE),
  • Work with children once a provision / setting has been agreed,
  • The work will last between 4-12 weeks depending on the allocated pathway of support.

What to expect from the Virtual School Reintegration Team

*This list is not exhaustive*

Often, the request for support from the Reintegration Team will come via the CME officers, the Statutory Exclusion Team, or the Admissions Team, once a school place/setting has been agreed for a child/young person.

If a Reintegration Officer is allocated a child to support, they will start by contacting with the family. If a school and start date has been agreed, they will also contact the school. The following work can be carried out depending on the needs of the child:

  • together with the child and the school, create a bespoke reintegration plan to support a successful transition back into an education setting,
  • capture the voice of the child e.g. what are their likes, dislikes, aspirations etc,
  • visit the family home to support the parents/guardians in getting the child ready to return to school,
  • meet the child on their first day at their new school to support a positive start,
  • work jointly with Social Workers if the child is being support by a CiN or CP plan,
  • signpost parents/guardians and school leaders to wider support services e.g. mentoring provision,
  • support the school in exploring an EHCP if deemed a necessity to meet the needs of the child/young person,
  • support the school in liaising with any wider professional network e.g. SEND, Attendance, Health etc
  • work alongside other services to deliver a joint reintegration plan e.g. Services for Young People, SEND SAS.

The Reintegration Team is made up of the following officers:

Tracie Mullin – SEND Reintegration Officer (East)

Helen Bonner – Reintegration Officer (East)

Anna Mutch – SEND Reintegration Officer (West)

Jaqueline Brown – Reintegration Officer (West)

Jalissa Iyoyo – Reintegration Support Officer

If you have any questions or wish to find out more about the offer of support from the Reintegration Team, please contact the

*The Reintegration Team in The Virtual School will usually only work with children in Year 8 and below. This is because Services for Young People have a team of Inclusion Workers who will offer reintegration support to children in Year 9 and above. However, we recognise the need to be flexible and the team will work collaboratively with SfYP to ensure the child/young person is receiving the most appropriate reintegration support based on their needs.

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