Generally, children should be educated in their normal age group (that is their correct chronological year). The curriculum should be amended as necessary to meet the needs of individual children.
If you think your child should be educated in a different year group, when you apply send us supporting evidence from relevant professionals and family stating why.
For community and voluntary controlled schools, we decide whether your application is successful. A panel looks at the information you send, including:
- the views of parents and the headteacher
- the child's social, academic and emotional development
- whether the child has been educated out of their normal year group previously.
If your child is already being taught out of year group and you're applying to a new school, you should check the individual admission arrangements of the schools you wish to apply for, to check their policy for children out of year group.
There is no guarantee your application for your child to be taught in a different year group will be accepted.
If your application is not accepted, it does not mean that your child will be refused a school place. It just means that your application will be processed for the usual year group.
There is also no right to an independent statutory appeal for a place in a specific year group at a school. How a school places pupils in classes is for the headteacher and individual school to decide.
Academies, voluntary aided and foundation schools are responsible for their own admissions and they usually make this decision for applications made to their school.
Summer born children
If your child is summer born and educated a year below their chronological age group, or is currently being educated a year below their chronological age group for another reason, you need to apply in year 5 to request a delay for their application for a secondary school place until the following academic year (September 2026).
However, the decision to admit a child out of year group a year later than usual, remains a matter for the admission authority of individual schools.
Schools responsible for their own admissions
Academies, voluntary aided and Foundation schools are responsible for their own admissions and they usually make this decision for applications made to their school.
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Schools outside Hertfordshire
If you're interested in applying for a place at a school outside of Hertfordshire, you must contact the relevant authority to discuss whether they will accept your out of year group application.