Continuing interest – re-allocating school places
The continuing interest process is how we re-allocate school places that have been rejected. We do this in 2 countywide "runs".
You can have up to 4 preferences at continuing interest, including academies, community, voluntary aided and foundation schools, either in or outside Hertfordshire.
Your continuing interest preferences will overwrite your initial preferences, so make sure you include any schools you initially applied to that you still wish to be considered for.
Schools whose allocations are administered by us
If you have not been offered your highest preference school, you are automatically added to the continuing interest list (waiting list) for any higher preference schools in Hertfordshire.
For example, if you were offered your 3rd preference school, you will be considered for any places available at your 1st and 2nd preference schools.
For schools outside of Hertfordshire, you must check with them direct whether you've been automatically added to their continuing list.
Academies, voluntary aided and foundation schools
Most of these schools create their own continuing interest list of children who applied to them, but did not get a place.
These schools make their own decisions at continuing interest, but we offer continuing interest places on their behalf.
View the schools (PDF 83KB) Opens new window you need to contact direct about their allocation and continuing interest process.
If you'd like to apply for a place at an academy, voluntary aided or foundation school that you didn't initially rank, you need to make a new application.
Opting out
If you’re happy with the school you’ve been allocated and you don’t want to pursue a place at any higher preference school, you must opt out by 17 March, otherwise you risk losing your existing school place.
If you’re satisfied with your offer but you don’t opt out of continuing interest, and you are offered a place at a higher preference school, your existing place will automatically be offered to another child.
First run of continuing interest
10 March 2025 – deadline to have submitted any changes to your preferences to be included in the first run.
24–28 March 2025 – the first continuing interest run.
If you change your application...
If you make a new application, it will overwrite your existing application.
Make sure you include any schools from your original application that you still wish to be considered for.
Most schools will only consider existing applications at the first continuing interest run (i.e. preferences made on your initial application).
However, the following Hertfordshire schools will also accept new applications at the first run of continuing interest:
- Birchwood High School (Bishop's Stortford)
- Hockerill Anglo-European College (Boarding Place) (Bishop's Stortford)
- John F Kennedy Roman Catholic School (Hemel Hempstead)
- King James Academy (Royston)
- Loreto College (St Albans)
- Mount Grace School (Potters Bar)
- St George's School (Boarding Place) (Harpenden)
- St Mary's Church of England High School (Cheshunt)
- The Grange Academy (Bushey)
- Townsend C of E (VA) Secondary School (St Albans)
You can add any of these schools to your list of preferences when you log in.
If a place becomes available and your child is first on the continuing interest list, the place will be automatically allocated to you – we'll let you know by email or letter (we can't tell you over the phone). Your previous offer will be automatically withdrawn. We won't contact you if you've been unsuccessful.
After the first continuing interest run, you can check where you are on continuing interest lists by logging in to the admissions system after 31 March.
Second (and final) run of continuing interest
31 March – 11 April 2025 – deadline to have submitted any changes to your preferences to be included in the second run. All Hertfordshire schools accept new applications at this stage.
28 April – 2 May 2025 – the second continuing interest run takes place.
If you change your application...
Remember, any new application will overwrite your existing application.
Make sure you include any schools from your original application that you still wish to be considered for.
Log in to the admissions system to amend your preferences.
We'll contact you with your new offer of a school place, if you're successful at this stage.
If you are unsuccessful, you can log in to the admissions system after 2 May 2025 to check your child's position on the continuing interest lists. We can't give you this information over the phone.
After the second continuing interest run
After the second run of continuing interest, places will be allocated as and when vacancies occur until the end of the summer term.
You can continue to check your child's position on the continuing interest list. We'll regularly update this information until continuing interest lists close.
Continuing interest lists (waiting lists) for Reception and Year 7 are no longer active from 23 July 2025 that means that no child will be considered for their preferred school from 24 July 2025.
You can make an in year application retain your interest for up to four schools when the system opens on 24 July 2025.
Changing your address for continuing interest
To change your address for continuing interest, you should have provided us with proof of address by:
Suitable proof of address is:
a letter from your solicitor confirming your completion date took place before the relevant date above, or
a signed rental agreement of at least 12 months showing the start of your tenancy on or before the relevant date above. If it's not possible to provide a 12 month tenancy agreement because of the nature of the agreement, we'll request alternative proof of address and verify it with the Shared Anti-Fraud Service, as necessary.
You must also provide proof that you and your child live permanently at the new address and you no longer have any residential ties to a previous address.
You can email with your proof of address.
Rule 2 – exceptional medical and social reasons
We'll only consider applications under rule 2 (medical or social reasons) when you first apply for a school.
However, if your child's medical or social circumstances have changed a lot since your original application, you can apply under rule 2 at the continuing interest stage.
You'll need to tell us the change in circumstances and include relevant professional evidence.
To be considered for continuing interest, you should have provided us with your evidence by:
You can attach evidence to your online application or email
Appealing a decision
You have the right to appeal for a place at any of the schools listed on your secondary transfer application form, if your child was not offered a place.
If you appeal for a lower preference Hertfordshire school than the school you have been allocated, you will not have been automatically registered on the continuing interest list for that school. This must be done separately. Please refer to the 'continuing interest' section above for further details.
If you wish to appeal for a school outside Hertfordshire, contact the school or local authority where the school is located for more details.
Appeals are heard by independent panels made up of people who have no connection with the original decision.