Moving into Hertfordshire
If your child or young person is going through an EHC Needs Assessment or if they already have an EHCP, you will need to contact both us and your previous or current local authority. You will need inform us of when you are moving (or have moved) to Hertfordshire.
Your previous/current local authority is responsible for transferring over the paperwork and either the assessment or EHCP. They must transfer the paperwork to us on the day of the move, unless they weren’t provided 15 working days notice of the move. In that case, they must transfer the paperwork within 15 working days of when they were informed about the move.
As soon as the EHCP has transferred to us, we have the same legal duties as if we had issued the EHCP (including matching any funding specified in the plan up until the plan is reviewed). We have 6 weeks from the transfer to notify you that the EHCP has been transferred, and to let you know when we are going to review the EHCP. We must review the EHCP within either 12 months from the EHCP being made or last reviewed, or 3 months from the date of the transfer, whichever is the later.
After a review or re-assessment we could decide to:
- Maintain and/or make changes to the EHCP.
- Cease to maintain the EHCP.
You will have a chance to discuss any concerns about these changes and object to any amendments you disagree with in the same way you would after an annual review.
Moving schools
In some circumstances, your child may be able to remain at the school they are already attending (for example, if you are not moving too far). If this is the case, they will continue to attend this school until a review of their EHCP is completed.
If the EHCP names a school for which fees must be paid in Section I, we will be responsible for paying the fees up until the EHCP has been reviewed and amended.
If it is no longer practical for your child to attend the school or college named in Section I (perhaps because it is too far away) then we must arrange for your child to attend another appropriate school until we review and amend the EHCP. You can talk to a member of the SEND team about the different options available to you.
If your child attends a special school, you can find out more about how the admissions process works on our Requesting a Special School page.
View a list of the schools in Hertfordshire or check out your different education options.