If your child attends a pre-school or nursery, you can first direct any queries about their EHCP to the SENCo there.
EHCPs for children aged 0 - 5 are managed by the Early Years Service. This is a specialised educational service designed to support children before they enter Year 1 of school.
If your child is not in a nursery or pre-school, you can call the Early Years Duty Line on 01442 453300 to find out who your EHC Coordinator is. You can also contact them by email at EarlyYearsStatutorySend@hertfordshire.gov.uk.
North Herts and Stevenage
DSPL 1 & 2: Lisa Savvas
East Herts, Welwyn, Broxbourne and Hatfield
DSPL 3: Claire Terris
DSPL 4 & 5: Katie Stevens
Watford and Three Rivers
DSPL 6 & 9: Zoe Matthews
St Albans and Dacorum
DSPL 7 & 8: Lucy Savory
Not enrolled in a setting
East: Lyse Bone
West: Rachel Siswick
To contact your EHC Coordinator by email, use firstname.surname@hertfordshire.gov.uk.