If your child or young person has an EHCP it is possible to state in their plan which school or setting you would like them to attend. This is done through the SEN service and you do not apply through the standard admissions process.
If your child has an EHCP and is changing schools, you can find out more about this process on our EHCP review pages. All reviews, school consultations and amendments to an EHCP should be completed by 15 February for any year of change. This gives enough time to resolve any issues before the end of the summer term.
For those transferring from secondary school to college, the EHCP must be reviewed and amended by 31 March in the year of transfer.
If you have any questions about how to choose your preferred school then you can discuss these with your child’s current SENCo or your allocated Education, Health and Care Coordinator (EHCCo). (More information about contacting your EHCCo). Your EHCCo will remain impartial and not recommend specific schools, but can advise you on processes or support in answering any questions you may have. Sometimes schools/settings may raise concerns about being able to meet a child’s needs, but we can help by reviewing those concerns and looking at how they may be overcome. The majority of children will have their needs met in mainstream schools and mainstream education cannot be refused on the grounds that it is not suitable.
There is information and advice above which can help you choose the right school for your child. You can also find out more about choosing a school with an EHCP on the IPSEA website.
Learn about the different types of special schools, or request a place at a special school in Hertfordshire
If your child or young person does not have an EHCP (even if they do have a special education need), you will have to apply for a place at your chosen mainstream school through their normal admissions process. Special school places for children without an EHCP are only reserved for very exceptional circumstances. You can find more guidance on on this in the SEND_Code_of_Practice.
Find more information about how to start researching for schools in Hertfordshire, the options available to you and the admissions process on Hertfordshire.gov.uk.