Co-production is the process of involving parents, carers, young people, SEND professionals, health professionals and us - Hertfordshire County Council - in the planning and implementation of SEND services and the Local Offer.
The Youth Councils
We want to ensure that children and young people have their say in the services they receive. Services for Young People run a youth council (including SEND youth councils) in most districts of Hertfordshire. They get together regularly to discuss the problems young people face and how situations can be improved. They come up with ideas on how to talk to other young people, listen to what they have to say and put together a plan of action.
This plan is then taken forward either by youth councillors themselves or taken to the people who make the decisions on what happens in their area - this could be local councillors, district councillors or sometimes county councillors. Others services such as the police, health services, and leisure services can also be involved, depending on the issue or event.
Find out more about the Services for Young People Youth Councils.
The SEND online feedback group
Our online research group composed of parents and carers of children or young people with SEND and young people with SEND aged 16 - 25. Members of the group help to co-produce the Local Offer website and make improvements to SEND services with their feedback.
If you're interested in joining, you can read more about the SEND Online Feedback Group here. The group is sent occasional surveys or short online tasks that help make our services better. You don't have to be involved in every activity - you can do as little or as much as you want to, and tasks are never a test of ability.
Herts Parent Carer Involvement (HPCI)
As Hertfordshire's parent carer forum, HPCI represents parent carers throughout the county, making sure their voices are heard across health, education, and social care services. As an independent parent led organisation, the HPCI team gather parent carer feedback and take that information to strategic meetings with decision makers and service leaders. HPCI's purpose is to inform, shape, and improve services for children and young people with SEND, age 0-25. You can read more about HPCI or how to get involved here.
Page was last updated on: 07/11/2024 14:13:39