Making changes and repairs to your home

You may need to make more permanent changes to your home to make it easier for you to get around.

What changes to my home will help me?

Hertfordshire Home Improvement Agency can give you advice and help on making home adaptations. 

They help older, disabled and vulnerable people stay in their own home and can help you claim a Disabled Facilities Grant to pay towards any adaptations you need. 

Home repairs – find local tradespeople

Local tradespeople are sometimes your best and quickest option.

For small repairs, you could try Herts Healthy Homes. From changing lightbulbs to fixing badly fitted carpets, this free service includes home visits and practical advice.

Talk to someone for advice

Call HertsHelp – our independent advice service – for free help and advice.  They might be able to suggest options or help you to find a local tradesperson to help. 


0300 123 4044

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9am – 5pm 
Wednesday, 9am – 7pm
Saturday – Sunday, 10am – 4pm


The Hertfordshire Home Safety Service can also help improve your home security and make small changes to prevent falls.


Equipment for older people and disabled people

A piece of equipment might help you get around without the need for making bigger changes to your home.