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Hertfordshire County Council

We can help you to keep things running while you're in hospital. We can also make your return home as smooth as possible.

Whether you need someone to look after a pet or you need help paying bills while you're in hospital, talk to HertsHelp about your options.

Speak to our hospital social care team about the help you'll need when you get home. You can also arrange transport home.

A guide for you, your family and carers when you leave hospital

Planning your hospital stay

Whether you need someone to look after a pet or walk your dog, or you need help paying bills while you're in hospital, HertsHelp can suggest your best options.

HertsHelp is our free independent advice service.


0300 123 4044       

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9am – 5pm 

Wednesday, 9am – 7pm

Saturday – Sunday, 10am – 4pm.

What happens to someone I care for?

We might be able to help if you care for someone and no-one else can look after them while you're in hospital. 

Ask us for an assessment – we’ll have a chat with you and the person you look after. Together we'll make a plan and work out how we can help.


Coming out of hospital

Hospital social care teams

We have social care teams working in all NHS hospitals.  When you go into hospital, ask to speak to them about the help you need when you go home.

They'll have a chat with you about your day-to-day life and work out what we can do to help. The sort of things we might suggest include:

  • equipment to make life at home easier
  • meals on wheels or help to prepare food
  • home visits to help you get back on your feet when you leave hospital. This is sometimes called "enablement"
  • help to get you settled when you return home. That might include putting the heating on or getting a bit of shopping in
  •  advice to help build up your confidence and independence.

You might have to pay towards some of these things.  We work it out for each person. Don't worry – we’ll let you know first if you need to pay anything.

As you start to recover and do more things for yourself, we’ll slowly reduce the support we give you.

If you need long-term support, we’ll arrange for you to have an assessment when you're back settled at home to work out what help you may need.

Find out more information on the hospital discharge factsheets.


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