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Hertfordshire County Council

Further education

After your GCSEs, you have the option of further education from a college or 6th form. Sixth Form, College Or Work-Based Training? (UCAS)


Virtual School 16+ service

At 16, the Virtual School will assign a personal adviser to support you with further education, training and employment. They will:

  • attend your year 11 planning and review meetings
  • advise you on financial matters
  • monitor your attendance and progress, if you have given permission
  • give advice and progress updates to your carers and other professionals working with you.


Higher education (Virtual School)

The Virtual School Higher Education service offers a range of support, this includes:

  • A designated Virtual School Higher Education Advisor who will coordinate your Higher Education journey from start to finish, support transition, and assist with educational needs.
  • Assistance will be provided with choosing the right course and university that matches a young person’s talents and interests.
  • Coordinate and support with attending up to 5 open days and interviews.
  • An Invitation to attend two Virtual School university workshops 1) To apply for tuition fees, loans, and bursaries available from Student Finance and the individual higher education establishment. 2) Study Skills and academic writing
  • University starter pack in year one of your higher education course
  • Equipment and resources for your education
  • A contribution towards paying deposits for university accommodation and exploring alternative arrangements in the holidays.
  • Access to a Virtual School bursary up to £5,500 per year, based on a needs assessment and can be paid throughout the year.
  • Support in planning finances. 
  • Advocating on your behalf with universities, tutors, and support services throughout the course to ensure all possible support is in place.
  • Health and wellbeing, including referrals to specialist’s agencies.
  • Careers development and postgraduate courses.
  • Support with developing a professional platform for graduate employment.
  • £3,500 support for a postgraduate course.

Find out more about the Virtual School



Apprenticeships are a mix of real work and workplace training.

Find out about the roles and benefits available to Hertfordshire County Council apprentices.

Find apprenticeships for 16-19 year olds in Hertfordshire.

Find apprenticeships in the UK and abroad, plus work experience, gap years and distance learning.



Job Centre Plus offer extra support to care leavers. Find your nearest centre.

Government advice to find a job that suits you or find courses.

Find out what jobs are on offer in Hertfordshire County Council.

Great advice for 16-19 year olds on choosing a career, employment options and finding a job.

You can also get tailored support from Services for Young People. Speak to your personal advisor for more information.



Volunteering can make you feel good, give you mental stimulation and provide a sense of purpose. If you're struggling to find work or just don’t know what to do, volunteering is a great way to gain experience and prove commitment to future employers. It can also give you connections that lead to paid work.

You don't have to make a long term commitment. Find an opportunity to suit you.

Browse our volunteering opportunities

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The UK's leading volunteering charity for 14-25 year olds

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