You should have a bank account by the age of 16. This helps when you get allowances and keeps your money safe.
If you have a child trust fund or junior individual savings account, at 16 you'll be able to manage your own account and at 18 you can access your funds.
If you haven't got a bank account, your worker can help you set one up and provide ID or proof of address.
The Citizens Advice has some great advice about:
Opening a bank account Credit cards – pros and cons
Pre-paid cards
If you can't set up your own bank account, we can give you a pre-paid card.
It's a debit card with an agreed amount on it (up to £500). You can check your balance and transactions online. We can check the transactions, as well.
There's no overdraft facility and there are restrictions on what you can buy. For example, you can't use it for gambling or petrol.
Speak to your worker to find out more.