Signs on the highway

Apply to us to put temporary or permanent signs on the highway.

It's illegal to put any unauthorised signs, fly posting or advertising on the highway. We'll remove them if we think they're distracting or causing an obstruction. Report an illegal sign, poster or advert.

Permanent signs on the highway

You can apply to put new signs on the highway to direct traffic to your facility.

Why do we need your information?

The data on this form is collected to facilitate an application to place directional signs on the public highway. Hertfordshire County Council will use this information to process, review, and assess an application to place – on a temporary or permanent basis – additional directional signage on the highway network. We consider it to be in the legitimate interests of Hertfordshire County Council to process your information in accordance with such an application.

What will we do with your information?

The information provided will be held by the Highways department of Hertfordshire County Council and shall be used to process the accompanying application.

How long will we keep your information?

The information that you supply will be kept on file for seven years

What are your rights?

Hertfordshire County Council will be the Data Controller for this information.

  • You have a number of rights over the data we collect and hold about you.
  • You have the right to be informed about what information we hold about you and how we use it. 
  • You have the right to request copies of any information the Council holds about you by making a subject access request.
  • If information we hold about you is factually inaccurate you have the right to have it corrected.
  • You have the right to object to the way we are using your data.
  • You have the right to request that your data is deleted. However we may be unable to delete your data if there is a need for us to keep it. In this case you will receive an explanation of why we need to keep the data. 
  • You can also request that we stop using your data while we consider a request to have it corrected or deleted. There may be some circumstances in which we are unable to do this however we will provide an explanation if this is the case.
  • In certain circumstances you may also request data we hold about you in a format that allows it to be transferred to another organisation.

In the event that decisions are taken using automated processes you have the right to request that these decisions are reviewed by a member of staff and to challenge these decisions. If you would like to request copies of your data, request that your data is deleted or have any other queries in relation to data which the Council holds about you please contact the Data Protection Team.

Data Protection Team
Hertfordshire County Council
County Hall
Pegs Lane
SG13 8DQ
Tel: 01992 588099

You can also contact our Data Protection Officer at or in writing to the address above. If you are unhappy with the way that Hertfordshire County Council has used your data or with the way we have responded to a request you also have the right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office

  • You'll need to pay £138 for us to assess your application.
  • We will take up to 10 working days to assess your application.
  • If your application is approved, we'll give you a quote for the cost of the sign and installation. We won't schedule the work until payment is made in full.
  • If your application needs a consultation, we'll contact you and keep you updated with the progress of your application.
  • You will need to read and accept chapter 17, clauses 13.1-15.2 of our Place & Movement Planning and Design Guidance for Hertfordshire (Part 4).


Temporary signs on the highway

Email us if you want to place a temporary sign on the road or pavement, say for an event or new development.

You should be given permission if:

  • the event venue does not have permanent direction or tourism signs
  • the event will attract at least 250 vehicles a day from outside the local area
  • adequate parking is provided off of the public highway
  • the new development (if applicable) has at least 30 bedrooms.

Street name signs

Street name signs are maintained by the district and borough councils in Hertfordshire.

Find your district or borough council


Signs for CCTV and neighbourhood watch schemes

  • Signs must not exceed 0.2 of a square metre in area.
  • No sign may exceed 3.6 metres above ground level.
  • For signs on highway land, you must get our permission (as highway authority) first.
  • 14 days before any sign is put up, the local planning authority must be told where it is to be displayed and assured that it's properly authorised by the police and (if necessary) us, as highway authority.
  • If we or the police withdraw approval, or the watch scheme ceases to operate, the signs must be removed within 14 days.


Motorway signs

National Highways are responsible for signs on the motorway network and trunk roads. If you're concerned about signs on the motorway, you can get in touch with them directly.

Call: 0300 123 5000
